Tuesday, August 31, 2010

friendy friends and smarts.

we've been hanging out with our friends the last couple days. they try to entertain me and i don't really want to play with them. =)) 
{this is eli, our new favorite buddy. he's only a couple days younger than us. and is quite the partier, trying to crawl already!}

{mr. asher was quite the smiley child cracking mom up when she said "say cheese" , while we refused to put our head up or look at the camera. and yes, i am half naked. and proud of it.} 

i love books. especially the disney books. i could look at them for hours. i'm going to be so smart!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


you know when you laugh at things that really aren't funny.... but are to you for some reason. well our spaghetti dinner this evening turned into one of those things. baby was doing crazy things in his bumbo. so we took several pictures of his activities.

i'm not going to narrate like i usually do, so you can imagine what he's saying yourself. =)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


to start off this post, i will put in ahead of time that i'm not usually the one who talks about churchy things, so sorry if this totally throws you off lol.... i just don't feel the need to advertise it and write about it, i have no idea why.

but a little background information is that my lovely husband {who is much more motivated than i, good thing i married him}and i discussed that we should begin our scripture study again since we have been lacking with our vacationing lately. what we do is we read our scriptures separately, write our thoughts down, discuss them and then together read a conference article together and discuss we want to do in our family. the other day, we read Elder Bednar's talk from this last conference about being spiritually prepared to be aware and help your children when they need it. he mentions something about how even infants can recognize the spirit and to read them book of mormon stories.

so we decided to buy the baby some books so that we can read him some stories from the book of mormon. but then i found this board book with all these pictures in it by Greg Olsen and showed it to baby. and he got so so so excited in his carseat, i almost choked up. or may have. you'll never know. it's like he knew exactly who he was looking at =) who knows if he actually just got excited because i was showing him a book or if he actually recognized who it was, but it was such a cool thing to see.

sometimes when he's crazy i forget that i'm just borrowing him from heavenly father as my child, he was his first. but then there's times like these when i see that he really is just a little spirit given to me who is pretty amazing.

p.s. mommy learned that our morning walk is essential to having a good day. without it he's a beast. then we go for a walk, he falls asleep and wakes up like nothings ever been wrong ever. crazy but an easily solved problem when we're being a beasty right? =)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

birthday week.

well this week has been a successful one at best. it was my birthday {like you didn't know. i've been pondering presents i'm going to buy myself all week hehe} 

for my actual birthday, we didn't do much. since my kindle was my birthday present from the hubby, and my suitcases were from my mom last month, and my ski clothes were from my grandma in breckenridge i didn't have much in terms of presents on the actual day. {next year i know to not get things in advance, it's not quite as cool} buuut i waited all day to go to cheesecake factory, my most favorite restaurant. this is the only picture we got, funny how my husband always looks attractive and i look like a weirdo. 

{my mom and grandma were in town for education week so they came with us =)) }

after i spent the rest of the week shopping with my birthday money, i collected all my clothes under the bed, in the closet, in zak's room, in our midget closet, in the boxes in zak's room etc. etc. and sold them in our yard sale!

we hauled all of our business over to jenni's yard since we had a ton of stuff to stick out. this was the beginning of the friday-saturday event. can you tell that it was fricking hot outside?? cuz it was. i've never been so sweaty in my life.

this is the contraption we devised to keep ourselves cool. baby enjoyed it. =) 

haha asher doesn't like to share mom

after all was said and done we made about $350.00 off our stuff and still took 5 bags to DI. i've got a lotta stuff. now to figure out what to spend it on. =))

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


i just laugh looking at this. every time. 

well the results are in: there is absolutely nothing wrong with baby. according to our lovely doctor, who's been a very good sport about me coming in twice in a week, venting about our child, he just has a hard/strong willed/beastly personality. basically he thinks he owns the place. which he does. he always wins. lucky dog. someday i'll be grateful for his passion but for the moment, i'd just like him to chill the heck out. oh well, nothing i can do about it.... except ignore or try to please him. but it is nice to know nothings wrong when he's being a maniac.

when we discussed how to make nap time longer he said "yeah... good luck with that. i've got no suggestions that will work for a kid who's going to do whatever he wants to do anyways". nice. our kid's so cool.

good thing he's a very very good night sleeper. otherwise we'd be having some serious chats with heavenly father about this crazy business going on.

this one makes me laugh too. 

good thing he's cute. 

Monday, August 16, 2010


since my son is napping for the moment, i have spent the last several minutes on etsy. and found things i want soooo freaking bad. would anyone like to buy me something fabulous for my birthday?? since it is in two days. hehe. i would looove you =)

1. is this not the most fabulous thing you've ever seen?? i'll admit i saw a mom with one like this in babyrus and i asked where she got it and she said on etsy. this one goes from an infant car seat to a big kid seat too. plus, my baby gets so hot and sweaty in his seat, this would help a lot. if you would like to see it go here

2. this diaper bag is lovely. i love the damask prints!! so fun. here it is.

3. ahh.... this is the cutest thing i've ever seen. the tutu and little hat are fabulous. too bad i have no one to put it on.

4. i really want this. or to learn how to make this. but its super cute.

i would pick some more stuff but i think i'm going to have a slight breakdown if my kid doesn't stop crying. i don't know how people with colilcky babies do it. and the doctor told me to wait til tomorrow to come in to see if anythings wrong.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


although i'm not sure if it's exactly true, i'm going to blame my son being a little beasty on teething. i've been looking up a whole ton of stuff online because he is driving me crazy and it seems like he has ALL the symptoms of teething. major crankiness, not sleeping very well, chomping on everything known to man that he can put in his mouth, spitting up like a maniac,  drooling like a maniac a worse diaper rash, coughing/choking on drool etc etc.

however i feel like sometimes us moms just look for the symptoms so that we can blame it on something. i have no idea if he actually is or not.

but all i have to say is that i want my happy beasty back and not the crazy man he has become the last two days. i'd also like to not be spit up upon more than once a day, unlike the last two days when it's almost every single time i hold him. uggh.

on the plus side, baby rolls from back to tummy now too, not just tummy to back. he's so smart. now if only he would be happy too. just get those teethers already man.

Friday, August 13, 2010


bubs is FOUR months old now. holy moly time flies. 

 things that we love

{sitting up like a big kid in the stroller. the carseat is for losers man}

{blowing spit bubbles. everywhere. all the time.} i'm so jealous of his eyelashes.

{mr. octopus. still. we haven't gotten tired of him yet} 

{sitting up.. we're such a big kid}

{our hands. they're usually covered in drool/in our mouth/holding our ball}

{sucking our thumb}

{eating. i didn't think a picture of this was quite necessary}

things we don't like
{the swing. as you can tell we try to escape out of it.}

{nap time. well we have gotten better the last 3 days but usually thats the case.}

{lying down. anywhere besides our ocean mat and our bed at bedtime.}

{anything citrusy. makes our diaper rash pretty bad}

huzzah for being so old zakary snakary

Thursday, August 12, 2010


do you know what the sweet smell of victory entails? i do. this. is. the. best. day. ever. in the history of babydom.

1. mom outsmarted baby. after many many many trial and errors she has figured it out. for the moment anyways. when we get done exercising in the morning, baby is usually sleep in the stroller and gets woken up when we stop so i usually assume that he should go back to sleep. as we all know, the success rate of that is 0%. soooo, i decided to keep him up later, until noon instead of 10:00 and presto! yesterday we fell asleep without crying and today it only took 5 minutes of screaming. the feeling of getting it right is awesome. he still only sleeps for about 40 minutes, but i'll take it! huzzah!! ohh i feel so smart!! can you believe it? i just keep smiling. we'll just hope he stays like this for a little bit longer than 2 days.

2. mom fit into not just one... not just two... not just three.... but six pairs of pre zakary pants. it's pretty much the best thing evverrrrrrrrr. they may all be a little tight, buuut that's ok! i'll take that too! i was thinking that i wasn't ever going to fit into them again when i tried them on a couple weeks ago but alas, exercising actually does something. who would have thought? maybe i should have tried that a long time ago. ahhh......

and i get to eat in n out tonight. it just keeps getting better.

Monday, August 9, 2010


well, it's time for me to enlist suggestions from anyone who has a kid, had a kid, wants to have a kid, who has seen someone with a kid or just feels willing to give some advice and knows absolutely nothing about kids.

as cute as the little man is, i'm almost to break down point with his crazy crying sprees. i should give some background just to catch you up. he is an AMAZING sleeper. at night. typically, i put him to bed around 7:30 or 8, i'll wake him up to feed him at about 11:00 and then he sleeps soundly until about 8:00. however, when naptime comes around, i basically want to kill something. not him. but sometimes it's close.

screaming would be an understatement for what he does. its the blood-curling, "i'm in pain", "my life is awful", people who hear it think you're torturing your child scream. however, i am positive that none of those things occur. he's clean, fed, extremely but not overly tired. and he's just mad. as soon as i put him in his crib he screams.{we've also tried our bed, the couch, the stroller, same result}10 minutes later.... he calms down and konks out.... 30 minutes later... he wakes up ticked about something, begins screaming again and nothing can calm him down. i've tried just about everything: picking him up, rocking him, singing to him, reading books, going for walks, nursing him, giving him toys, but i've got NOTHING. it'll be a good hour or so before he recovers. and then what do you know? it really should be nap time again. the word HATE does not even cover how much i HATE nap time.

not only does he need a waaaaay longer nap than he's getting {we've been trying to work on taking longer naps, since he'll try to take about 5 20 minute naps throughout the day, which are kind of annoying when trying to accomplish things during the day}but i need to figure out a successful way to break his screaming thing. cuz it's going to drive me over the edge. i will say that i've come to ignore it a lot better than in the beginning. i would just sit there and cry with him the first time or two cuz i had no idea what was wrong. but now i just think he likes to scream. like he's dying. when he's not. frustration.

please help.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


today, it has been two years since i married the coolest, handsomest, sweetest, sexiest, romanticest man alive.

not only is he ridiculously handsome, he also is ridiculously smart. did you know he's in the 98th percentile for his DAT scores? yeah he's cool. our kid's gonna be a genius.

but we didn't get to do much today for it, because i flew in this afternoon but my man surprised me all dressed up with flowers at the airport. sometimes... he's just too good. who knew he'd be a romantic after we've been married for so long? =) oh and he also made me a fancy dinner, on our china we only use once a year. i think i'll keep him around.

we're a pretty good looking couple if i do say so myself. 

i love you hunny. happy anniversary! here's to 100 more!