Friday, July 22, 2011


this is the first week i've ever been without the beast for more than 2 days. i miss him. i don't know what to do with my life without him being around all the time. i used to waste a whole lot of time before him, that i have realized.

mi madre came down on wednesday and took him for an indefinite amount of time until i can recover from my lovely shinanigans. after being in the hospital on tuesday with stabbing death pains in my abdomen/pelvis{with the beast i might add, i couldn't get a hold of levi at school... i was having a severe breakdown when he finally did show up 2 hours later}i was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy and was ordered not to move for several days and that the chemo-like medicine they gave me would make me extremely nauseous {which it did. i haven't eaten a normal meal since monday}. thank goodness for fabulous people like mary-anne, sarah, lyndzie and my family who have brought me meals and taken my cute thing away so i could lie in bed and sleep.

also thank goodness that my child is a perfect angel for other people. at least that's what they all say. no breakdowns, no missing mom, he is happy as a clam without us for a couple of days. it makes for easy hand offs, but i do wish he cared a little more lol i guess i can't complain about it too much though.

here's to hoping my medicine is working, so i can go back to being a normal human being who gets dressed and eats.


  1. oh my gosh Melissa I'm so so sorry!! I hope you are doing okay. You are in our prayers. I can't imagine being away from my little boy for so long.. you are a very strong woman!

  2. Oh my goodness how scary, stressful, and painful! I hope you feel better soon!

  3. Good heavens Melissa! I'm sorry you had to go through that and I hope you get feeling better really soon!

  4. goodness! I didn't think you're even trying yet... I'm sorry that you're in pain and hope things will be better soon!

  5. Hey girl, you're in our prayers!

  6. Oh honey, hope you are feeling better soon! So not fun!! I'm sorry you have to go through that. Be gentle with yourself xx

  7. boo! i'm so sorry! i hope you're doing better! I wish I were there so I could take your little toot off your hands!


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