this kid.... may be the laziest most content child i've ever met. he can't crawl yet, however he will do pushups and the worm to get to places he wants to go. which is usually accompanied by whining and/or crying about it. you would think babies could figure out that the way they are doing things is waaaay too much work, but no.
however, his new obsession is standing with support. if he could figure out how to do it all day, i guarantee he would. he loves to try and look at what zak is doing, and be off the floor. and he is so incredibly proud of himself when he can pull himself up and do it himself.
he's also begun scaling things, and walking along anything to get to what he wants. it's so crazy to finally watch him be motivated to do anything.

he continues to be the happiest baby ever. no joke. minus him being sick this past week and him having a severe case of separation anxiety from mom, the rest of the time he is partying, playing and jumping.
we call this his shnooser face, because he makes the most ridiculous blowing sounds out of his nose when he does it. it's so cute, unless he does it when you're trying to feed him, as a "i definitely do not want whatever you are trying to feed me" sign.
speaking of food, he has gotten a little more feisty when it comes to eating. there are very few things he will eat more than once in a couple days. those which he absolutely loves include: bananas, trader joe's mac and cheese, pb&j sandwiches, cheerios, blueberries most of the time, and anything that is off of our plates and not his. despite my hard work at baby led weaning, he is turning into his brother, where he would rather eat the baby food versions of food, than the real thing. it's very annoying.
other little tid bits- at 9 months, he weighed 21 lbs and was something inches high. he was in the 50th percentile for both of those, and his noggin is in the 90th. woop woop. he's got a big brain in there. ;)
he loves his jumperoo. loooooves it. after fighting it for a while, he has developed a love for jumping just like his brother.
greysen idolizes zak. that kid can do no wrong to him. zak can look at him, and he will just laugh and laugh, or start yelling at him all excitedly. it's so cute.
he can babble "mom" "dad" and i think he is saying zak when he shrieks "AAAHH" when zak walks by, but who knows.
he's still an amazing sleeper, 7-7 with one or two naps depending on what we're doing for the day. loooove that.
and next thing you know he is crawling that night!!!
ReplyDeletei love the picture at donnies parents where he isn't looking at the camera, its really cute!!