Sunday, September 12, 2010


i know i say this every month, but isn't it the weirdest thing ever that my child is so old?? he's 5 months today! {well technically, it's tomorrow, but whoever reads this will probably do it on monday, so its today}

its so crazy how fast it goes.  even though everyone says that, i feel like we just had him.

here's what we love:
1. reading.  we LOVE books. especially the disney ones that we can hold/eat.

2. grabbing our feet. this is quite the accomplishment since we've just learned this new trick. our belly was too big, and coordination a little lacking but we got it! someday soon we'll get them in our mouth too.

 3. escaping. as much as we love the bumbo, we've learned how to contort ourselves to almost fall out of it, and make mom worried when she looks over and suddenly sees us almost tipping over. and yes, mom did catch us in the middle of getting very angry in the picture. notice the tears. and the picture in the back too. haha.

4. being naked. if we could all the time, we would. and no, i don't frequently leave money around for my child to play with and/or choke on, i was in the process of emptying the wallet.  {this picture makes me laugh everytime i look at it. i just want to squish his little cheeks.}

5. mr. octopus. he continues to be a running favorite here in the lowry household. however, we have added the fish and turtle discs {written in 4 languages, to make him smarter i might add} to our list of things to play with. we currently enjoy holding on to both of them while shaking the entire thing very dramatically.

6. mr. turtle. he is originally a bath toy, but after much successful playing while mom's trying to get ready in the bathroom, he ventured out to be part of our everyday activities. also, we can fit his whole head in our mouth and yell while doing so. be impressed.
7. being outside. not only do we like it, we also calm down when having a huge fit as soon as mom walks out the door. we also need a walk in the stroller {yes we do walk him like a dog every day, minus the leash} every morning otherwise we have a smack down all day. i have no idea why, since his mother isn't a huge fan of the outdoors, but for some reason this kid needs his vitamin D.

8. kitty. we now acknowledge her presence when she tries to stifle me and rub herself all over us when i'm with mom or dad and we like to pet her/pull her hair/tail. she is very good with us and lets us do not very nice things to her.

9. mom singing to me. {yes, she sure does have such a beaaautiful voice} our favorites are "popcorn popping", "5 little ducks", and "hinges".

10. mom and dad being ridiculous. we're so entertaining. =)


  1. such a little stud!! i love the pictures, the butt shot, his toes, reading and the glasses one man so so cute!! keep up the great singing! hehe


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