Thursday, December 9, 2010


after dropping off the MIL at the airport on wednesday, we ventured out to temple square to see the lights for the first time in 4 years that we've lived here. it was quite the adventure because the beast was throwing up ALL day the day before {yes, we probably shouldn't have taken him out. but this was the only time we could go, so we bundled him up nice and toasty shmoasty} 

it was quite a sight to behold, there are TONS of people there, but it was fun to see the temple and take some pics! =) 

 this is how we were basically the whole evening. he was not impressed with the lights. 

 everyone says they look alike, but i really can't see it. 

 yeah, my husband's good looking. and i'm a fat face with just as squishy cheeks as my child.


  1. OK, firstly, you are not a fat face, you are adorable. Secondly..... how pretty are all the lights!?!?! Love it!!


Leave some lovin'