Wednesday, August 15, 2012

four weeks.

the man is a month old now. how is that possible?? i don't know. he still is such a good good baby. we got so lucky. minus his and my ordeal with thrush {terrible, i hope you don't ever get it, moms} we have been loving every minute with him. 

- he sleeps between 4-6 hours straight every night. i love it. that usually means i feed him around 10 or so, 2:00 or 3:00 {today was 4:30, holla!} and then between 6:00 and 8:00. then he usually goes back to sleep until 9:00 or 10:00 so i bring Zak into bed, tell him he has to be quiet playing mom's ipod and then mom goes back to sleep until he decides he's hungry and wants some cereal. it's quite the system we've worked out. =) 

- he's so quiet. so so quiet. he cries when he's hungry, and that's it. he will lie awake for hours and not make a peep, just staring at the world. 

- he likes to sleep with the light on in his room. he sleeps so much longer with it on. it's weird. 

- he loves his bouncer. best investment ever. 

- he's a good eater. just like his brother. he gained a pound and a half his first ten days home. we have an appointment on monday, so we'll see how much he's grown. 

- he doesn't love his sucky as much as his brother. unless he decides he's hungry 2 hours before he's supposed to eat. 
this is how he sleeps every day. no swaddling here. 

 he loves tummy time.
 his super creepy purple mouth from his thrush medicine. it's stained. and looovely. 

- "mom, go feed baby greysen!" is what i immediately hear every time he starts crying. it cracks me up. 

- he sleeps for about two hours at a time in between each feeding. there are some days when he refuses his bed, and we just stick him in his bouncer and he's good to go. 

- mom has coordinated it so that he sleeps when zak does, so mom can sleep too. it's a wonderful thing i tell you. 



  1. Seriously, thrush is evil! I had never had it until William. Greysen is a cute kid!

  2. Does Zak really tell you to go feed greysen? Hahahaha that is the funniest/cutest thing ever :) Zak is a smart little guy knowing even babies get ''hangry''


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