Saturday, October 13, 2012

zakary's favorite.

the man is officially 2 and a half, so in honor of his half birthday, i asked him what his favorite things were at the moment. i don't think these are all accurate, but they are exactly what he said when i asked him. 

what's your name? my name is zakary lowry
favorite food: cookies and grilled cheese
favorite drink: orange juice
favorite number: three
favorite letter: C for cat
favorite toy: helicopter
favorite tv show: ummmm..... the tv. chuggington. jake. umm.... tv. 
favorite movie: the horsie movie aka tangled
favorite special treat: fruit snacks, captain crunch berries, ummmm. chocolate milk
who are your friends? ronin and playgroup
favorite thing to do outside: eat popsicles
favorite thing to do with dad: play
favorite thing to do with mom: watch tv {i swear we do other things, but that's at the top of the list apparently}
favorite person: greysen 
favorite thing to do with baby greysen: play with him 
favorite place to go: i'm just getting my boogers out right now mom. {someone just learned that word. gross}
favorite song: jesus wants me for a sunbeam and ba ba black sheep have you any wool

mom's favorite quotes: 
"mom.... i'm just doing something right now ok?"
"it's so beautiful mom, so so beautiful"
"mom, it's too too tricky for me, i need some help" 
"mom, i just wiped all my boogers on my shirt". also gross, apparently he had a runny nose this week. 
"mom, please glow away so i can play trains all by myself". he's not allowed to say that to us, but it cracks me up how he says "go away"
"mom, i'm so sorry mom. i'm so so sorry for...."- this one always tugs at my heart strings, especially when i'm mad.

hilarious/obnoxious things he does: 
- last night he put his head in the toilet while brushing his teeth. i had to leave the room because i was laughing so hard while telling him that was gross and we don't do that, while levi was trying to discipline him. 
- he says "cheeeessseeee" when we say he should smile at baby greysen so he'll smile back at him. 
- he still cannot figure out how to not come out of his room at night time. we're going on eight months now. it's ridiculous.
-he is very loud. like very loud. like other kids get scared of him because he yells songs in their face, loud. i'm not sure how to tame him, but he could really use some.
- he gets very aggressive and crazy when he's tired. sometimes i wish he'd have an older kid come knock him around so he wouldn't be so obnoxious to everyone, but we don't have any friends like that. {i swear i don't really want him to get hurt, but just to be put in his place would be nice. he's very dominating}
but despite all the things he does, we love our crazy two and a half year old, and we are exhausted every day by the time he goes to bed. 


  1. what a fun idea to do a little Q & A session :) i should totally do this with max. and what have you tried with the coming out of his room at night??? we are struggling with the SAME thing. not cool.

  2. Great post Melissa! You'll love having all those things written down!
    Love all your pictures too!


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