Sunday, November 25, 2012


i cannot believe thanksgiving has come and gone already! blowing my mind. how can it possibly be christmas so soon?! three weeks until levi's done school. not that i'm counting down or anything. ;) 

this year we went up to the beach house because we didn't want to drive a long time with levi only getting done on wednesday. {byu was awesome and let us off on tuesday. i miss that} we had a great time, the weather was uh-mazing, like it always is, and the company was pretty good too! 
we love coming here. it's so gorgeous.  everytime we leave we realize we need to do it more often. plus, free babysitting when we come with family. cha ching! 

grandma bettye so graciously bought us chuggington and thomas trains to play with at the beach house {i think she did it so he would want to come back and make us come too. well, it worked because now he's even more obsessed}. so did he want to play outside? no. did he want to go to the beach? no. he just wanted to play with the ridiculously overpriced trains. {seriously though. hank and his coal car were $25 bucks! good thing he has nice grandmas who pay for business like that, because his parents most definitely will not.}

greysen also got a new exersaucer so that was pretty exciting for him. 
and for zak, who thought he was entitled to play with the toys as well. 

i just love these guys. they're so silly. and cute. 

now we know where the ridiculous face comes from. 

 our thanksgiving feast was excellent. greysen was asleep for most of it, so instead of taking pictures of the three of us that were awake, we took them individually so our child will not feel left out in 20 years from now when he looks at his mom's awesome blog and reads all the fun things they used to do. 

three generations of preciousness. and some awkward smiling. so great. 

zak and his "binoculators". sometimes the stuff he says is just so cute. 
 grandma kim and zaky. 

grandma bettye and grandma kim. 

the spouse and i spent thanksgiving evening child-less at the gilroy outlets, soaking up the freedom and shopping for christmas presents until we got too tired and more people started showing up. {did you know the outlets open at 9 on thanksgiving? freaking awesome. i'm pretty sure most people thought they did at midnight because there was no one there until then. it was great! and plus, we don't stay up super late to go shopping. we're parents. and poor.}

hurrah for the holidays! 

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