Monday, August 12, 2013

experts of marriage.

well. it's official. the spouse and i have made it to five years of being married. i feel like we deserve
something awesome for that. i love how when you're married, part of you feels like you just got married, and the other part feels like it's been way longer than five years. in any case, we didn't really celebrate on thursday due to the cursed night clinic. however, my spouse did make me breakfast in bed and bring me home flowers after he was done, so i count that as celebrating.

but he did surprise me and make reservations for us at a little B&B in napa on the 23rd for us to go hot air ballooning the next morning, which i am super excited for! i don't think the man gets nearly enough credit for his romantical planning abilities, because i did not assist in this adventure besides arranging babysitters. who are our bestest friends for being willing to house the monsters overnight. ;) 

i have decided to make a little list of things i have learned in the past five years to show our growth and development as a couple: 

1. we did not take advantage of sleeping in nearly enough before we had kids. 
2. i am terrible at doing laundry in a timely manner so my spouse does it. in return, i unload the dishwasher, which i also hate. 
3. some of our best dates are dinner and a movie. which we thought was unoriginal and boring when we were dating, but now i have come to realize that that is just something we love to do. eat and then sit and eat popcorn. 
4. i'm not quite sure how at the ridiculously young age we got married, that we managed to pick the right people. i still am boggled that we survived and thrived being so young and adding kids into it. 
5. being married in college was the bomb. you could pick your schedules to match each other, have three day weekends to just hang out, do super cheap dates at the dollar theater, and be free to pick up and do whatever you wanted with friends. 
6. however, at the same time, having kids now is awesome. although there are times we would both like to just sleep in until whenever on the weekend, our kids have helped us make some of the best memories, and even better memories when we get the chance to escape without them. ;) i wouldn't change a thing about the timing we've had, even though to the majority of the world, it is just totally crazy. 
7. the statement "absence makes your heart grow fonder" is absolutely true. 
8. sometimes it's ok to go to bed mad. both of us get all nutso at night time, and when we wake up in the morning, we don't even remember what the problem was. 
9. levi had/has amazing taste in women. 
10. i had/have very high standards for men. 

yes, you can see how much we've grown? i know, me too. we always talk about how we would never go back to being just married again. it was fun and all, but still kinda awkward. now we're basically like marriage experts. go ahead. ask for some advice. we have lots. ;) 

in any case, it's been the best five years, and i can't wait for the rest of eternity. whoop whoop! 
 love you babe. 

this is levi's favorite picture ever. yes. i am sexy. 

1 comment:

  1. now i wouldn't call you experts, but i would call that some pretty dang good comments 1-10!!


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