Sunday, October 3, 2010

conference weekend.

since i had to talk about how to prepare for conference this past week in church, i figured that for the first time in my life we could prepare for it. it actually wasn't as tedious as i thought it would be. haha. i'll admit i spent most of the week preparing what i would make to eat because that was the most important part for me. spiritual, i know... but i made the most delicious coconut-lime-banana bread in the history of banana bread. i got the recipe for that here  

is that not the most delicious thing you've ever seen? i'll admit the pictures are what got me to make this. because it looked scrumptious. and it was.  

these were the other treat i made this weekend. well we both did actually. my brother makes some mean cinnamon rolls, so we got the recipe to share sunday morning with jenni and donnie. our first try was a little sketch... they don't look very cool and were a little under done buuut they were still delicious after we put them back in the oven for a few minutes. 

and what conference wouldn't be complete without crafts i've done?? we're taking family pictures in a couple weeks so i needed to make a pin for my sweater to tie all of our clothes together. yes, we are going to look smashing. =) 

 i love this satin one so much. it's gigantic on my head, levi actually makes fun of me quite a bit for it. buuut i love it. it's going to be sweet pin too once i get the actual pin things. 

i made some more bowties for the monster. he's quite the model isn't he? cracks me up.  

this is the shirt i have SLAVED over for about a month now. I bought it for my birthday at nordstrom's and stupidly washed it, and didn't know it. ALL of the beads and pearls in turn, were loose and falling off. i spent probably 10 hours sewing each of these suckers on by hand. ugh. stupid things. if i ever wash this shirt again, i'm throwing it away. i'm not doing this again.

but anyways.... baby did very good watching conference this weekend. i think we tried to pay attention more with him than we usually do. i'll admit as well that we usually fall asleep during the afternoon sessions but with a child that is no more since we don't sleep when he is awake {not that we could anyways will all of his rawring/yelling/talking/spitting anyways}. =) 

also, did i mention that baby can sit up all by himself on the last blogs? he sits there for a good 20 minutes or so, and usually doesn't fall over... unless he's tired and then he just gets mad sitting there. it seriously took him like 2 days to master it because he was so motivated to sit there and see everything/everyone. it is the most amazing thing ever, i love it so much. he is soooo much happier not lying on the ground. ahhh the awesomeness of growing older. 

for some reason, our child hates sitting in the bumbo when he eats. it drives me crazy. i usually have to end up singing some songs for him to pay attention to me and not escape. we started him on sweet potatoes this weekend as well.... it took about 5 times of trying them before he downed the entire jar.  but even still, i wish i could capture his "i hate this" face when he begins to eat them cuz they're different. it makes me laugh every single time. 

literally, all of these positions happen within one minute. i have to hold him down to get him to 1. not put his thumb in his mouth and 2. not turn all the way around. sheesh. i have a feeling he's going to be like this the rest of his life. 

 i just thought these pictures were cute. he loves sitting with stuff on his face for some reason... he's kind of a weirdo. =) 

phew. i just scrolled up on these and realized that there are a lot of pictures on here, which make for a long post. sorry folks! but anywhoo... conference was a success, and despite what this shows, we did actually listen and get something out of the talks... but we all did didn't we? so i don't need to blog about my feelings toward it.


  1. Good on you for being so organised! We get conference over here is Australia next weekend (my Dad will just have to watch it twice because he is over is SLC right now)... I am going to try your recipe, I am muchly excited! Cute crafting as well! Looking forward to seeing your family pictures! Much love xx

  2. aww this was a cute post with the pictures and as good as that bread looks it can't be as good as the Cinnamon rolls!! and way to go baby and growing up!! hehe


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