Monday, February 14, 2011

twelve minus two.

 equals how big the monster is. in two months he will be a year old. in two months, i will be able to have his birthday party, which i have been dreaming about, literally dreaming... in my sleep, for quite some time. for all those dying to know, we're having a cowboy party. and it's going to be fabulous. i feel my mom's anile yet perfect event planning coming into my life now. i don't know what to do with myself. but anyways... ten months.

i have realized that i write everything he does on here so that i can go back and look at it, because i don't remember, so sorry for boring you about everything he does, that every other ten month old does. and probably has for ages, since he tends to be a little slower/lazy.

he has somewhat learned how to stand up in the last couple weeks, well i take that back. he knows how, however, he is lazy, and is content to stand on his knees  to reach. and he pretty much can grab everything that way. it's quite impressive how he finds the easy way to do everything. cracks me up.

 this is usually as far as he gets, he knows how to reach everything this way.

he earned his first face scratches from the cat this week. and totally deserved it. actually he deserved it like 2 months ago, but she is a very patient cat. there's only so many times that you can have your hair ripped out before you have a smack down.
*we are trying to teach him to "be soft" but we're not quite there yet.

we officially had to buy a baby gate, due to the beast following the four legged beast down the stairs. however, he only made it to the landing of the stairs before we got him.

i really can't think of much he does different now. man, this is kind of a lame birthday post. oh well, we still love him, and think he's fabulous. in conclusion, i will leave you with these pictures that make you wish you were a kid. 

and yes, this may be a hershey's bar and kit-kat. he only gets the best food. =) 
dad refused to take him upstairs with clothes on to get in the bath, so mom had to strip him down.... dad might be a little bit of a chicken. =) 

1 comment:

  1. 2 more months 2 more months hooray!! hes just getting so big right before our eyes :)


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