Sunday, February 13, 2011

v-day. like d-day except happier.

the husband and i celebrated the big ol' v-day on friday because 1. mondays are crazy for him 2. we have a beast who would need to go to bed early and 3. because provo is insane, and will definitely be on monday. so we traded off with jenni and donnie and went out on the town. 

disclaimer: i did not pick out my husband's outfit. not one part of it. he got the shirt as a gift from my grandma, and picked out the tie himself {he has a thing for ties. like i have for shoes.} despite what people would think about why he would be wearing such an outrageous color, i had nothing to do with it. 

we started here: 
i highly recommend splurging and going here for dinner before you move away, if you live here. yes, it did almost cost us $100 bucks, {we would rather eat than give cheesy presents like chocolates and such} but it was worth the experience. they take your coat, there's a guy playing the piano when you walk in, they give you sorbet to cleanse your palate, and the food is also delish. oh, and you need to dress nice. none of this jeans and nice shirt business. go all out. not like tux all out, but shirt and tie, skirt all out. 

then we went to color me mine to pick up these little buggers we made on our last date out. pretty fabulous eh? if you don't know what they are.... i don't know what to tell you. however, i'll pay you big money if you can tell who made which one. =) not really, but you can guess if you'd like. 

after we stopped there, we came back to YoZone because we had a free yogurt coupon. and why not be cheap after you spent it all on dinner? 

note: this is not actually what i got, i just found this picture on the interweb. i got white chocolate and raspberry yogurt, with cheesecake bites, strawberries and gummi bears, {which btw tasted like medicine. blech}. but everything besides the gummi bears was delicious...  

after we picked up the monster, we came back and watched Chuck because we were several episodes behind. all in all, i would say that our date was pretty successful, and delicious. i love eating out. i love v-day. and all it's ridiculous cheesiness. and pink. and flowers. and new clothes for the special date. hehe. oh, and i love my husband. wouldn't be a fun v-day without him, that's for sure. muah. 


  1. Sounds like a great valentines celebration!I love me a dinner that I can doll up for. You both looked great... and are those salt and pepper shakers? Very cute!

  2. hey i just wanted to guess that levi did the strips on the the s&p

  3. That sounds amazing - and the dinner at Chef's Table sounds like something I would LOVE but will not be able to afford anytime in the near future. You guys sure had an awesome date!


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