Tuesday, November 8, 2011


so this upcoming weekend, i have a craft fair i'm participating in up in reno. because of that, the past couple weeks have been spent furiously making crafts, and preparing for my first {gasp} jewelry party tomorrow. i'm so nervous for both. i just don't want people to show up to either and not want anything i've spent so much time making/preparing, that's my fear. 

anyways, i've been working my soul away on headbands and bowties. so i figured i could post to the blogging world if anyone would like to see/buy some. =) 

aren't these girls just to die for?? oh my goodness they're so cute. hurrah for my models, because zak is now too old to model headbands like he did last year. =) 

these baby-toddler ones are $5.00  

these young girl/adult ones are $7.00  

these ones with more flowers are $9.00  

and because girls have a hard time keeping headbands in their hair, i also make them in clips, but only have these boring ones to show. but these are $3.00

and now for the less cute but still cute boys, i have made bowties in all sizes and colors. 

seriously, my kid is just so adorable.  

i have lots more than these as well, i'm whipping out some christmas ones too, but they aren't finished to take pictures of. all bow ties are $4.00 a piece or 3 for $10.00 

peak your interest? email me at pearlsandbeads1{at}gmail.com or come to my b*charmed party tomorrow night, or the craft fair this weekend. so many possibilities. =)


  1. OK- these are ADORABLE!!! LOVE the bow ties, I have been looking for a cute pattern for some of those- you did a great job. Love crafting and getting ready for Christmas- I hope you sell a whole heap!

  2. I love these pictures of our cute kids!! We have already been wearing our headbands and love them! Can't wait to get more soon and good luck tomorrow and this weekend!

  3. I want to know how it all went!!


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