Monday, October 31, 2011


we have had quite the weekend of festivities here. we went up to reno, took family pictures from my momma, went to trunk or treat, and wore costumes quite a bit. 

i will admit that our costume's for my parent's trunk or treat was kind of lame. but our kid looks awesome so that's really all that matters. he was a rock star, in case you couldn't tell. and he looked fabulous. 

do you like his earrings? yeah, they're the center of reinforcement tabs that go on notebook paper. my husband's brilliant idea.  

oh, and his leather jacker? $20.00. win for mom because he's styling in it. 
our kid is an awesome trick-er treater. we taught him how to say "trick treat"  and "punkin". and he would just hold up his pumpkin for people to give him candy. quick learner. 

then we happened to pass these baby chairs, so he took a break from stealing candy. love it. 

 this morning, we went to our little friend's second birthday party, and it was awesome. isn't he so cutee??

 for some reason he refused to have any expression or look at the camera today while playing with his friends. mom was being annoying apparently. 

i feel like the comment "why so serious?" needs to be said during these pictures. yeah, i'm cool like that. 

then this afternoon we went to trunk or treat in pacifica. we decided to dress up a wee bit more. wee bit.  
my kid's face in this is awesome. 

isn't my husband's eye liner sweet? he's so hard core. 

for his lack of faces this morning, he made ridiculous faces tonight. love it. =) 

although our costumes were not quite as cool as last year's, it was so fun this year! i love that the man gets excited for things now. it makes holidays so much more awesome than they used to be. 


  1. that eyeliner on levi is creeppy man haha,glad we got to see ya'll!!

  2. I love the his cute! especially the matching earrings, ha ha...great idea.


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