Thursday, October 13, 2011


last night, i had the opportunity to get out on the town with some friends and go see colbie caillat in concert! she was UH-MAZING! and sounds exactly like she does on her cd's. it was so nice to not be a mom for a little while and just rock out. 

 look at how close we were!! we were in the first row right on the side of the stage, perfect seeing spot. don't mind our very crappy camera phone pictures. 

don't mind our very shiny, sweaty faces. wearing a blazer was not a good idea for me last night. 

andy grammar opened for her, and he was fabulous!! and sooo cute! just watch his music video, it'll make you happy. and if it doesn't, well rainn wilson in it should make you chuckle at least. 

this one should make you happy too. i just think she is so gorgeous and talented. =) 

go ahead, enjoy. and hopefully your day is a little "brighter" {mwhaha i'm so witty} now from watching these videos. =)


  1. Lucky! I love her:) I watched the vid of andy grammar, he is so good too! Thanks for sharing:)

  2. lol - you're right. Hard not to smile with that video =)


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