Monday, October 24, 2011


i know. you all have been anticipating when i would post pictures of our new place! you don't need to tell me. but we've had a very busy week this past week, with me single handedly moving all of our house monday and tuesday, minus the heavy furniture and the few odds and ends, done by my spouse and the lowry family, and then the rest of the week was spent introducing the canadians to our life. 
{more on that in the future blog post}

but at last, your curiosity can be satisfied! prepare for way too many pictures. but i just love it so much. it's amazing. 

dundun dun duuuuunnnnn: 
the tv room. duh. 

because we no longer have gigantic ceilings, or an awesome blank wall, my frame wall ceases to exist as awesomely as it was. so it's shrunken and not quite as cool. ce la vie. 

dining room area. on the left is the door that leads outside to the "choo-choo's". i would show you, but all you would see is dirty handprints and nose smudges all over the door from stalking the train, and no one wants to see that. the door in the picture is the room to our "suite" haha. 

my uhhhh-mazing kitchen. to say that i love it is an understatement. 

the hallway down from the kitchen. at the end of the hallway is the guest bathroom, zak's room and the office. 

these doors hold the washer and dryer and pantry. and the dryer actually works here, so that's an improvement as well. the other one took three cycles to dry clothes. pretty much the worst. besides not having a washer and dryer at all, of course. 

now for our "suite": 
our closet. which isn't quite as cool as the old one, but is still a walk in, so i liiike it. 
 the other side of the closet. 
 our's and the cat's bathroom. not a fan of that, but she does need a place where some person in our house can't eat all her cat food. no idea who that would be. but as a side note, i finally get to use my awesome shower curtain i bought. 

 this is the hallway from our room to the closet & bathroom. 

our bedroom. well part of it, the other side is not put away yet, so you don't get to see that. 

 zak's room. which is in the corner, off by itself. did i mention that because he can't hear us anymore he doesn't wake up until 9:00 everyday?! it's AWESOME! 

he loves it so he can see all the trucks pass by out of the window. 

 and i can stash all his toys in the closet so that they are not everywhere in our house. win win win. 

the guest bathroom, next to zak's room. 

 this is my "where we've been" wall. each of the pictures is a place we've called home. 

 in order: san fran, reno, provo, lacombe. 

 now my least favorite room in the house. the office. probably because it has no decorations, and crap all over. in any case. scroll quickly over the mess we call the office. 

this is our "front entry way" which isn't usually used by anyone besides us because you have to come in through the garage to get there. i'm also looking for a table to re-do to go underneath my pictures hanging, because it's a huge area. 

 a legit coat closet. awesome. 

phew! you made it. and that is the end of our house. cool eh? and much more practical. the only downside is that we're right on the busy road, so it is much louder than our old place was, especially with the windows open. but we'll get used to it. =) 


  1. wow im impressed with all the moving you did by yourself!! also impressed that you actually have a hallway!!haha everything looks great, can't wait to see it some day!!

  2. I love it! SO JEALOUS! We finally moved into our new place too. Having more room is amazing!!

  3. How fun! You are so good at making your apartment look like a home quickly! I love it!

  4. It looks so amazing! You are such a great decorator. Someday I will get color-coded everything. And be as awesome as you =)


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