Tuesday, October 11, 2011


i am waiting. and it's killing me. i want to move into our new apartment so bad. levi's not home until 9:30 {death} every day this week and it's super lame. so i basically just sit here and fantasize about having a door on my bedroom, and a wood floor when i can put some child's high chair instead of on the stupid {white} carpet. 

i cannot wait. i wanted to move last week. {it's only across the complex, i mean, it shouldn't take that long} but someone vetoed it because he had lots to do. so we're getting our new place on monday. which really isn't that far away. but it's only tuesday today. i've thought it's at least thursday since yesterday. 

it's on the first floor like ours, except you can access it from the outside of the complex! {if you've been to our place, you know what a pain it is to try and find our apartment}. and theres a pretty big grassy area outside our door, almost like a yard. except not fenced and next to a busy street, but still, that's better than what we have now. and it was only $100 more a month for 3 bedrooms and about 400 extra sq. feet. score. 
{what that means, was that basically we were getting ripped off for having a fancy place called a "loft".}

they were painting the doors today when i went in to take pictures, so i couldn't put the beast down. which means i got crappy pictures, that do not show how amazing it is at all. but this might be the most awesome part of the whole place. 

looks at how gigantic my kitchen is!!! and it has a dining area. and opens up into the living room. and i have a master "suite" complete with a walk in closet and bathroom. no longer having to go in zak's room to pee will be incredible. 

and having an "office" instead of an "office area" will be even better. meaning, no one coming in and spilling my beads and unloading my craft stuff. every. single day. 

we are incredibly blessed to have such an amazing place. now, to decorate. all. over. again. =)


  1. how fun! that was quick! it's nice having doors on bedrooms :)

  2. I'm sorry you've had to wait - I totally understand the frustration with that! But one more day! It looks SO nice and I'm sure you will love it =)


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