Friday, October 7, 2011


i just got hired by myself to be a stylist for bcharmed jewelry! never heard of it? me neither. until i went to canada and my sister in law was selling it. LOVE it. it's totally my kind of stuff. blinging, cheap and cute. so now, i am officially selling it since my package of stuffs came in the mail today, buy some from me!! orrrr, if you want to make some moolah, sell it {if you host a party in october, you get 40% commission!}. or if you want free jewelry, host a party for me {if people buy $500 worth of jewelry, the hostess gets $100 worth of free jewelry}

do it, you know you want to. 

out of my new kit, these are some of my favorites. you can see all of the products here

i love pearls. a lot. especially brown ones. 

 you get this fabulous key if you sign up to be a stylist. yes mam! 

 the awesome thing about these are that the charms are all clips, so you can exchange them on a necklace or bracelet whenever you want! 

you can order kid's initials, or spouse initials, or your own initials and wear them. in case you couldn't tell, i picked my family's. preciousness.  

apparently the sun was all up in this picture. sorry guys. 

this charm is my favorite. this saying is so popular now, why not wear it?? 

they also do bracelets too, but i couldn't take a picture of those on there. but they're fabulous! have i peaked your interest?? i hope so. 

if you want to buy some as christmas presents, a just because present, or an "i've earned this for being awesome" present, email me at my new business {haha} email: 
or go to my website, oogle my new favorite stuff and order it online: 
since i know lots of you secret stalkers live far away from me. {wink wink} 

1 comment:

  1. You made these look awesome! And I got some great ideas for showing it! You are GREAT!! Cant wait to see you!


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