Sunday, October 9, 2011

18 mes.

{isn't this sweater just to die for?? don't worry, you're going to see it again soon in our family pictures}

technically, the man's birthday isn't for a few days.... buuuut sunday is blogging day, so hurrah hurrah! 

but snakary is will officially be 18 months very soon!  it's exciting! i love the stage that he's at right now. it's so fun. 
{he's just so handsome}

here are some highlights/quirks so i can use them someday in the future when i do his scrapbook: 

- he LOVES mexican food {just like his mom}. if he could eat that every day, he would. and he usually has some form of it once a day. today was enchilada soup for dinner and a snack of chips and salsa, yesterday was a quesedilla, and the day before that was tacos. 

- he will tell you when he is ready to go. that includes: going and getting your shoes {98% of the time they match, and he knows which are mine and which are levi's. i don't know where he learned that. must be the sparkly vs. non sparkly}, getting his shoes, sitting down saying "shoes, shoes" waiting for you to put them on and then continuing to say "bu-bye" waving. if you don't listen, he will go to the door and leave without you. then you know you need to be faster. 

- he is OBSESSED with keys. when dad comes home he runs to him {not to give him hugs or say hello} but to pat his pockets down frantically yelling "keeeys keeeeyyys". and he only likes dad's. or someone besides mom's. he's very particular. 
{notice the keys in his hand. obsessed, i tell you.}

- he still wears size 3 shoes. so no, his feet haven't changed size for over a year now. 
- he loves to walk on his tippy toes. it's so cute. 

- he can say way too many words. my favorites include "what did you dooo??" "nooo dank you" {we started that one after he kept shoving food away and saying "no, no, no, no, no!" he is now very good at being polite}"choooo chooooooooo" "oh no!" "mickeeyy" {i started him on mickey mouse club house as so we can go to disney land sometime and he will love it. so far, it is successful} and if it's not "mickey" it's "elmo", "meow, meow, meow, meow" {he and snickers are still BFF's}, "readyyyy go!" "up, peez, dank you" {said all in one breath, he says them all to get it out of the way haha}. "aaaaaaaamen" {he gets very excited when we finish saying prayers so he can eat} he says a ton more, but those are the cute ones. 

- he can point to all of his body parts and articles of clothing when you ask him where it is. 

- he will tell you whether the song on the radio is good or not. if it is, he will dance furiously, rocking back and forth in his car seat. if it is not, he will sign "all done" and say it until you change the song. not even joking. he's very opinionated. 

- he can sing "tonight tonight" by hot chelle rae and "old macdonald". he also loves to dance to LMFAO's party rock anthem. 

- he has become somewhat of a whiner. his mood shifts very quickly, and if you are not doing what he wants, you will know. 

- unfortunately, he has become somewhat more attached to us. he no longer runs away without a care in the world. lame. he was so cool just going into nursery at church loving it. now he just cries and cries and cries. we have no idea to do with him.

- he loves to dip any food. it makes them taste so much better. 

- he has a mohawk and it is awesome. we may be the coolest parents ever. 
{we had a little photoshoot today in case you couldn't tell. he just looked so good in his outfit}

i can't think of anything else right now, but happy year and a half birthday love muffin! here's to 100 more =)  

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