Tuesday, December 20, 2011


oh man, it's been a while since i've blogged. what has happened?? let's see. levi had finals, did excellently, and we have been relaxing and partying ever since. that basically sums it up in about one sentence. our life is so entertaining. 

on friday, we went to the oakland temple to see the lights and nativity. we took a friend and had a good time celebrating finishing this dreadful semester of school. 

 isn't his puppy hat so cute? this is the only hat he has ever worn. ever. and it's only because it's his "puuuppppy hat". big win for mom for picking it out. 

"don't make me stand next to the water fall, it's too loud"

then we opened presents from grandma and grandpa lowry while skyping on sunday because we aren't going to be up there for christmas day. we have raised an excellent present opener. 

tashina & markus gave him elmo, which he was very excited for. too bad that picture is blurry. he does love it lots. 

then we went to this "winter wonderland" tonight, which was fun. not sure if it was worth the $25 bucks + $10 for parking, but it was enjoyable for the hour we were there. 

they had a lot of cool exhibits from all over the world lit up with lights, and random ones like turkeys and such. 

this weekend we go to yosemite & party hard for a day or two at the resort, swimming & playing racquetball, then we're off to grandma's for christmas & canada for new years! busy busy holiday and we are excited to get it rolling, if only levi never had school, then we could do it all the time. =) 


  1. Haha, no, then he'd have a job, and you'd be just as busy =)

  2. so funny Elijah got that same Elmo! what is up with Elmo and these babes?? and congratulations on baby #2!!!! so so happy for you guys!


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