Tuesday, January 3, 2012

new year- new life.

ahhh, the craziness from christmas is finally over. not that we didn't enjoy it with our families, but it's always nice to come home into our own bed. even if that meant at midnight last night, {our child was not impressed with us}

i have been thinking about what our my {levi doesn't believe in resolutions, cool, i know}new year's resolutions will be since our awesome party at the lowry's on saturday, and figured, what better way than to write them on my blog? haha. 

1. eat at least two fruits and veggies a day. i know that doesn't sound like a whole ton. but christmas has made me very lazzzzy. 

2. work out at least three times a week. nothing else needed to say with that. 

3. limit zak's mickey mouse watching to one 20 min episode a day. he doesn't need to be engulfed by mickey for hours, even though sometimes it's perfect because i get so much done. 

4. cook at least 4 meals a week. i hate cooking. i feel like i should feel more domestic, but i don't, i still hate it. maybe forcing myself to do it will make me like it better. maybe. 

5. get dressed at least three times a week. i LOVE sweats. but really, who wants to see me look like a slob all the time? no one. 

6.  read scriptures 5 minutes a day. that shouldn't be that hard really? 

7. read a book a month. 

8. reestablish our weekly dinner date night. 

9. say "i love you" more. 

10. figure out how to parent two adorable beasts. =) 

the cat is finally out of the bag! we told our families on christmas and new years eve, so all of our friends can know now! i am officially almost 12 weeks, haven't been sick, and we both are very excited. 

note: we did not text/tell anyone besides our families, so you all get to find out the same semi-tacky, impersonal way. sorry! 


  1. Congrats!! That's so great...next time we're actually at the same church at the same time I'll come say hi, Sunday was super crazy for us with cranky kids and what not...but I'm glad your guy's holidays were great!

  2. Hurray for you guys and your new baby coming! Those are some awesome goals. I'm impressed!

  3. Way to hide it with the NY resolution post! Congrats!!

  4. yayayaya!!!!! congratulations!!

  5. congrats guys! can't wait to see what you guys are having! those are some good resolutions. i think those definitely are on a list of things i need to do better at (i don't do resolutions either). i love cooking, it's finding the time that's the hardest.

  6. oh my goodness!! how fun!! before i looked at the picture i was considering you ment to parent to zak and snickers, and then i saw the picture!! Congrats!! miss you guys!!

  7. SHUTTY! you sneaky little booger! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to see the cute new lowry.

  8. yay Melissa and fam!! You have made one stinkin cute little boy, cant wait to see your next cute creation! ;0) Congrats!

  9. congrats!!! that is very exciting!! having two is a handful sometimes...but it is definitely worth it! they will be such good little buddies. love the way you announced it with the shoes...so cute!


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