Thursday, January 26, 2012

life in iPhone pics.

i don't know why i don't blog anymore. i don't know if it's my lack of awesome things we do, or laziness, or being pregnant, or that i take a nap during nap time when i would usually blog or maybe all four. i think about it quite often but never actually do it. so here we go.  

right now, i am 16 weeks pregnant. woot woot. and this is my first semi-tacky self portraiture. cool eh? i know, i look so pregnant.... haha according to baby center, our child is the size of an avocado {i don't know why they always refer to them as fruits and such. it's weird.} and on february 24th we find out the sex. i can't wait. levi is positive it's a girl, so i'm hoping he's right. {he was right last time, so who knows?} 
any guesses? 

besides being pregnant what else have we been doing while dad's gone? 

well mom and her also pregnant friend like to eat delicious things together. 
such as donuts, in n out and mounds of ice cream. 

zak doesn't mind either because that means he gets donuts, some ice cream, hamburgers and lemonade. he's really gotten a sweet deal out of this. plus, he gets to hang out with his bff while mom eats, so it's really a win win. 

i have still been going to school on the weekends. 
which has been very thrilling. thank goodness this week is the last of this particular class because i'm very tired of sensorial life. 

we have also been trying to keep the man entertained during the rainy weather. 
by making a cozy bed in the living room to watch his new favorite show Cars 2 on. 

making his "mimi" his "cake" aka cape. which he thinks is quite fabulous. 
 finger painting. his new favorite thing, unfortunately we don't do it very often because he gets filthy even with a smock on and it involves taking a bath afterwards. 

playing on dad's "iPod". in particular he likes temple run, the "cookie" game aka frisbee game and dino rush. this also happened to keep him busy while i was making dinner. hence him lounging on the counter. 

we've been shopping for baby things with friends just found out what they're having. and it's been so fun.

somehow the man has also developed an obsession with clothes. i have no idea where he got that from. but he refuses to wear anything but specific shoes and he knows all types of clothes and accessories, including but not limited to: sunglasses, sweater, jacket, shirt, bow tie, pants, pi's, sockies, shoes. he will also tell you what exactly he wants to wear that day and pick it out. he's going to be the little fashionisto in this family i can tell. 

but he's just so cute, so as long as he matches, i don't care what he wears. =) 

and last but not least, we have been looking at our wee one. 
it's so crazy to me how it looks like a little person, i just remember last time, being like "what is that?" when we looked at the ultrasound. 

i got very tired writing this, so it is time for my daily nap. hurrah for having a kid who takes amazing ones, so I can sleep too. but now you are all updated on our fantastically thrilling life. ta-dah! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love that overwhelming look of awe on Zak's face with the enormous ice cream sunday. PLEASE tell me more than two people ate that thing. (i had to correct myself of a typo.)

  3. good grief you look so skinny!! sheesh. i am so excited for zak to have a baby brother or sister! and i love your blog, so please never stop blogging!


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