Monday, April 30, 2012


this little monkey is officially two. i'll be honest, it's like his personality switched over night on his birthday. i have yet to figure out how to master the insane emotional switches over nothing and throwing himself on the ground when he doesn't immediately get to do what he wants. but i will outsmart him at some point during this lovely phase. i just haven't figured out how yet. 

in any case, after watching almost all of his old home videos to remember how cute he actually is, i remembered that i haven't documented his favorite things right now. 

- he knows 95% of the alphabet, thanks to singing the "letter song" and trader joe's alphabet cookies. highly recommend buying those, he honestly has learned from eating them because we ask him what each letter is before he can eat it. 
- he LOVES to sing. his favorites include: the wheels on the firetruck, 3 little ducks, twinkle twinkle, and the letter song. 
- he loves anything sparkly. levi refuses to acknowledge that, but my sparkly shoes and nails are quite frequently loved on. and it cracks me up. 
- he loves to color. 

- he loves thomas. even though i refuse to allow him to watch that show, because it's seriously terrible, with help from asher's choo choo trains and some books, he now knows all the trains names and loves them. 
-he loves the beach. this tends to be a common break down point when mom rejects his going to the beach suggestion or says we need to go at a later time. 
- he finally wears size four shoes! 
- we've been re introducing milk to him, and it seems to be going well so far, here's to hoping we don't have to spend $5.00 a quart on goat milk anymore! 
- he still loves his hamburgers. and can recognize an in n out almost anywhere. =) 

- he's an amazing talker. 
- he's very excited to go to disneyland in a couple of weeks. mom's been hyping it up that he gets to see mickey mouse and he is very stoked to go with grandpa and josh.
- he loves going on car rides. i have no idea why, but he is so good. and he seriously just hangs out the whole time. 
- he loves to have his hair done in a mohawk. he calls it his pokey hair, and he cannot leave to see his friends without it done. 
- he reminds us to say prayer when we're eating and when he's going to bed. you know you're doing something right when he reminds you to do it.
-he loves being outside, especially when it rains so he can jump in the "cuddles". we take a walk almost every day to entertain him. 
- speaking of cuddles, he loves to cuddle mom. when he's in trouble he will totally just say "cuddle mom cuddle" and he knows i can't resist his cuteness. that is the reason to have boys, i tell ya. 
- he knows all his shapes. i would like to thank mickey mouse clubhouse for that one. he knows everything from circles to rectangles, to hexagons and crescents. it amazes me. 
ohh, now i just think he's so cute. maybe i just need to write nice things about him when he drives me crazy and then i won't feel as psycho all the time. 

hurrah for being two my love! muah!


  1. Such great photos of the handsome 2 yr old!!
    How things are changing!! Fun post Melissa! :)

  2. Sorry but I couldn't help but laugh when you said he's a little out of control right now and that it happened over night. I knew this day would come and I know it's not fun but you will figure it out and things do get better. Cute pictures


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