Sunday, April 8, 2012


i feel like all i do is post pictures of us going to the beach on here. probably because it's so close {we even have our own key now, we go there so often. haha} but, we spent our easter weekend at the beach, again. it is levi's birthday as well, so we can count that as an excuse to go there too. =) 

we went up on friday night so that on saturday the man could be surprised with his surfing lessons and new wetsuit that he's been wanting, but unfortunately our plans did not work out. there were absolutely no waves. the entire day. it was super lame. so we spent time at the beach waiting to see if there would be, and when nap time rolled around we decided we would have to rain check the birthday present. 

that evening we went to our favorite restaurant that we cannot afford, and it was fabulous {thanks to grandma for taking us out for levi's birthday!}. if you're ever in Santa Cruz, you must go to Shadowbrooke. it's to die for. you have to ride this trolley car down to the restaurant on the river, which is what someone spent the whole evening talking/yelling about/demanding we go back on it. no idea who that would be.  

i absolutely love this shirt i got yesterday, but it makes me look 9 months pregnant. holy cow. 

i found this gem from our honeymoon at the same restaurant. we look so little! 

grandma bought a longboard for the beach house and somebody thinks it's awesome. although, he does refer to it as uncle "josh's skateboard"

easter morning, we got up and found that the easter bunny had struck! as a side note, our child is unbelievable ridiculously good at finding eggs. and remembering that he was going to wake up and see what the easter bunny brought him and find the "easter bunny eggies". it's impressive. 

it took him all of 3 minutes to find his 15 eggs. no joke. apparently the easter bunny needs to upgrade his egg hiding skills. 

then we went to church, and easter brunch. 
and the easter bunny happened to be there. best. day. ever. he stalked him. and that's an understatement. he basically followed him where ever he went, gave him hi-fives, pound-its, hugs, cuddles, and was more than willing to take pictures with him. he loved it. i'm glad he's not scared of giant animals because we're going to disney is a couple weeks and i want him to love it! 

 isn't it so gorgeous there?? ah, i love california. 

zak and grandma. so so happy. 

easter was fabulous. this weekend was fabulous. hopefully it'll make up for the massive amounts of rain that's supposedly coming this week. but it's levi's and zak's birthdays this week! yeah! 


  1. oh so fun!!! love all the pics and CALIFORNIA- LOVE that place :)

  2. that looked like fun as always!! zak and asher are the same in the egg hunting business too, like literally the same time for the same eggs. and that cracked me up about the shirt you're wearing too especially your comment. and your photo from your honeymoon is classic man!! miss you guys


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