Tuesday, May 22, 2012


this week we started the dreaded PT. aka potty training. why so early you ask? because zak has been hounding us to let him do it. literally. he got on the toilet and has gone #2 several times, so we figured we needed to take advantage of his eagerness before it disappears. and by we, i mean levi. i have been dreading this moment since he was born. 

yesterday was torture. we followed the method of "Potty Training Boot Camp" and i thought i was going to kill myself. and him. he would literally go as soon as he got off the toilet every single time, even if he had been sitting there for half an hour. i had no idea what to do. when levi got home, i escaped to target and sat in the car, being pathetic & crying to my mom about how i can't do this. being pregnant does not help my ability to cope with two year olds yelling "NOOO" and so so many pairs of wet underwear.  

today, a miracle happened. literally. i was praying and praying for some patience, inspiration and a miracle to make me not want to quit for the next year and thankfully my prayers were answered. i realized today that a timer method does not work with him. neither does me telling him to go all the time. neither does wearing underwear {nakedness solved the problem}. as soon as i figured these things out this morning, he had absolutely no accidents. he would run and get on the toilet all by himself without me saying absolutely anything. every single time. no timer, no nagging, no mom involved. it truly was a miracle. my life got infinitely better. mom's not going to be a psycho pregnant person, and zak got to be independent and a big kid. 

i learned two things today: 1. that sometimes the best way to achieve success is to let him do it himself. who knew a two year old could be successful all by himself? it's crazy that he's old enough to do things on his own now. 
2. even prayers as dumb as me needing help with my peeing child are important enough to be answered. not that i didn't know that, but it's nice to have a reminder every now and again. thank you. 


  1. I'm so glad it got better so quickly! We said MANY prayers during the potty training stage (How did I think it would be so easy??) He's getting so big!!

  2. thats great!! glad you were able to figure him out!! hope things continue to get better and better!!


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