Sunday, July 15, 2012

big kid brudda.

i figure that before our next big adventure, we should talk about our cute first born's antics before we get too wrapped up in entertaining two of them and forget to write them all down.

he is cracking us up on a daily basis. there are some days when i might be close to locking him in his room forever, but the majority of the time he says something hilarious almost every time he opens his mouth. a few of my favorites include: 

"whatchu doing there mom? mom whatchu doing? mom, mom, mom whatchu doing there mom?" 
"no singing mom. no thank you mom. no singing please" - only music approved by him may be sung outloud. 
"i look so handsome mom. so so handsome"- every time he gets dressed. 
"mom, cereal is too squishy. i need a new bowl"- shredded wheat is the devil. 
"i need some milky milk milk mom. i need some milky milk right now"
"kittyyyyyyy, whatchu doing up there? come down here right now! no being bad." 
"i being so reverent reverent mom." 
"wake up mommy! i wanna come outta room!"- every day during naptime when mom's still sleeping. 
"i so so hungry mom. i need in n out"- who's kid is that? 
"i have germies on my fingers mom"

those are just the ones off the top of my head, he has a ton of hilarious things he says everyday. he is an amazing talker, and never shuts up. it makes me wonder what he did the first two years of his life. no wonder he was/is so loud ALL the time. 

he is so excited to go to the hospital to "pick up baby greysen". we haven't told him much up until this last month, but this month we have been asking him about the baby and he is very stoked to be a "big kid brudda". however, greysen will not be his little brother, he will only be the big kid brudda. very specific. 

he wants to share everything with the baby. if you didn't know, "bubble" is his dog he is obsessed with. he's on the right. we needed to find "greysen's bubble" too. which was impossible because none of the ones we offered big brother were satisfactory, due to the fact they didn't have a tail he could shove up his nose or a rattle that makes noise in him. but super mom found the dog on the left on some random ebay-like website and he is very excited to give it to him in the hospital. 

he is seriously obsessed with trains. i'm pretty sure that 95% of his daily conversation revolves around trains, crossings, going to see the trains, tunnels, crossing the crossings, needing to see the trains again, faster-faster trains, all-aboard trains {two different types of trains we have yet to determine which is which}, chuggington etc. etc. 

he has loved doing boy things with dad recently. with dad having a whole month off, they have been camping, swimming, lighting fireworks, going to the park, and doing all sorts of things mom doesn't really want to do. it's been so great for them to be able to spend time together before his whole world changes. 

 he is so independent. it's about time we have another one that needs me, because he can do everything by himself. including opening the fridge and getting out what he wants to drink. nothing is safe now. 

he loves his underwear. he is an excellent potty trainee. we haven't had any accidents out and about or at home in the last few weeks. just his diaper for nap time and bed time and he's good to go. 

he has gotten better than his "terrible two's" we were at a few months ago, thank goodness. we love being his parents 95% of the time, and can't wait to see him be a big brother in a few days! =)

by the way, i'm getting induced monday at 10 pm! woohoo!


  1. Fun post Melissa! That kid is a funny one and you'll be glad you have all those fun "insights". Good luck with the new adventure coming up!! All the best! :)

  2. cute cute i miss that kid!! and im so excited for this new one too!!


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