Monday, July 15, 2013

muir woods.

daddy's home! we survived 30 days of being spouseless & dadless. it's so nice. so so nice to have another hand wrangling the beasts. i think zak wins for being the most excited because he has been exclaiming "dada, i'm so glad you decided to come home!" about every half an hour. it's so cute. 

in any case, we took advantage of daddy not having to do school things yet and decided on a spontaneous trip up to see the redwoods. it was fun, way more crowded than i thought it would be, i was imagining a more peaceful and tranquil hike through the redwoods for our sunday activity, but then i realized this is san francisco, and people like to be tourists and do things like that on the weekends. 

however, the redwoods really are amazing. zak looooved going through there, he would love it if his parents got their act together and actually went on hikes such as this more frequently. and by hike, i mean flat walks through the trees. 
 we strapped zak on because we had to park so far away and figured that by the time we got there he would be tired and just want to go home. yeah for ergos. 

and yeah for dads who carry both children when mom's arms get tired from wrangling the wiggly wee one. 

i need to learn how to work my camera, because it either made it look like it was pitch black in the back with the flash on, or you couldn't see anything with the flash off. someday... 

haha. zak. always the star of the show. 

 it's crazy to me that a place like this exists so close to us, where sooo many people live. totally crazy. 

zak was getting very tired by this point. haha. 

they're just so totally handsome. 

greysen looks like a mullet man in this pic. that kid needs a trim badly. 

we had a great time! i would love to go explore ones that are less touristy, but being that these are so close, i don't think we will anytime soon. 

1 comment:

  1. glad you went, its def something worth seeing!! an your hair looks good! and that picture of g it totally looks like a mullet,but only because you said something did i notice!! and yay for dad being home


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