Wednesday, July 17, 2013


during our exciting month alone, zak had his swim lessons in fresno for two weeks, and he was looooving them. last year, he cried the entire time, except for maybe the last two lessons. so, we spent the whole year leading up to this talking about how awesome swimming is and how he shouldn't cry. and we succeeded! parenting win!

he did amazing. the swim lessons he gets are focused on rescue swimming- him being able to swim to the edge of the pool and get out if necessary. this time around, he learned to roll over to breathe when he needs to, so basically he can brave the ocean unsupervised now. ;) totally kidding fyi. 

he also had the same girl as last year to teach him, so he was loving it. plus, she's super cute, so that helps too ;) last year he brought her a pinecone to show his affection, this year he just kept telling her to come play with him in grandma's pool. 

at the end, he gets to be announced as a champion, and gets a medal and blue ribbon. basically the highlight of his life. any excuse for that kid to celebrate himself ;)

greysen and i deserve a reward for braving to 102+ temperatures every day to just sit and watch big brother swim in a nice cool pool everyday. 

i have a cool video of zak kicking trash his last lesson, but alas, blogger does not want me to show it to all my faithful followers. in any case, i'm so proud of my kiddie and how awesome he did this week! 

1 comment:

  1. very cute. what is the picture of them all in a circle with their instructors around though?
    way to go ZAK


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