Saturday, November 14, 2009

cruise shopping baby.

so we went shopping for our cruise today. =) and it was fabulous. we originally started because my husband has no nice dress clothes for our nice dinners, so we went to burlington coat factory, which btw is the best place to buy dress clothes for boys. it's so cheap and nice at the same time.

so we got him 3 pairs of dress pants, two shirts and ties and one pair of dark brown shoes for all under $150 bucks! which may sound like a lot, but i will tell you that the last time he bought khakis, he spent $75.00 on them, and today we got them for $22.99. he even admited that my shopping skills came in handy today because we got some good stuff waaay cheaper than he would have bought them.

i would put pictures on here-- but who really wanted to look at boy clothes? actually, i don't know if anyone wants to look at my clothes, but thats ok. =)

as for me, i just got some shoes. of course. but they are just what i need.=) i've been shopping over the last couple months for this big event!
yes, they are gold and sparkly. levi thinks they look ridiculous. but i don't care. do i ever? but don't you think they would dress up a fabulous outfit for our special dinners?? =)

lets see what else have i gotten?
i got these-- and a red pair too. you can never have too many sunglasses especially coach ones. =)

oohh and my new flip flops. if you do not have rainbow flipflops, i highly highly suggest you invest in some. my brown ones have lasted my like 2 years! these were on sale when i bought them a couple months ago for 30 bucks instead of 50! yeah yeah yeah! and plus, the green is so fun. i love them.


$7.99 each at target!! too bad i still don't look pregnant, but thats ok i guess. i can just pretend with these swim suits =)

i did get a fabulous maxi dress, but i can't find a good picture of it online. but i'm sure you will see a picture of it soon. =)

5 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. love all of your purchases so much. the cute preggo swimsuits! i can't wait for you to be all cute and pregnant with an actual belly. so great. i also have serious love for those gold shoes. don't even listen to levi, he doesn't know fashion. i am so jealous of your cruise! i can't wait to hear all about it!


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