Friday, May 7, 2010


my boys are so handsome.

{this is what happens when we leave dad in charge}

our little munchkin is still large and in charge, we went to our wic appt this week and he now weighs a little less than 10 1/2 lbs and is 22.5 inches tall. it's amazing how fast he grows! they told us we didn't need to come back until he was 6 months old because obviously such a good feeder. {props to mommy}

it's amazing to me how even though i value my sleep {it's been significantly harder to get up and feed him lately} he always makes me so happy when i pick him up and he makes his little bird sounds and crazy faces that say "feed me mom" i can't wait til he can smile at me when i make ridiculous faces and tickle him, of which he is incredibly ticklish. {levi will do it and he stops breathing for a second and scrunches up his whole body and then throws his arms and legs out, it's quite entertaining}

basically i've decided that we'll keep our child, he's quite cute and entertaining. we love him =)


Leave some lovin'