Thursday, May 13, 2010

one month.

this is crazy! the babe is already a month old! i don't believe it... in the past month we've learned:

-we likes to sit up more than lie down. he's much happier seeing the world.
- we like lots of washclothes on us in the bath to keep us warm- and putting our toes in the water.
- we like to eat a lot.
- when we dream we have crazy faces.
- we like being walked around to go to sleep.
- we hate getting dressed with those ridiculous onsies that go over our heads.
- we are very very ticklish.
- we need our sucky like mom needs.... needs shoes?
- we fall asleep the instant we walk outside, and wake up the second we come back inside.
- we do not like refried beans and guacamole.
- we talk a lot. {grunting is more like it}
- we take forever to burp
- we like to sleep in mom n dad's bed much more than our own.
- we have fabulous pouty faces. they're going to work miracles when we get bigger.
- we sleep for an average of about 3 hours during the day.
- we have crazy hair.
- we tend to spit up ALL over mom and never on ourselves.
- we make the cat worried when we start crying.
- we are very cute.
- we love mommy and daddy even though they do mean things like tickle me when we don't like it. =)

i think we've come a long way from the beginning of this month, we are fabulous parents already. [hehe]


  1. of course your great parents why wouldn't you be when i taught you everything you know hahaha im funny!! no really ya'll are doing great!

  2. Melissa- i'm sure you're great parents. your little one looks great and so do you both!

  3. aww! you guys are adorable! don't worry, you guys are good parents! :)


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