Thursday, June 10, 2010


the time has come. for our 3 week trip. holy moly, it's a lot of work packing for that long. especially for two of us.

we are off to phoenix [with a stop at the grand canyon just for pictures] for NICOLE'S WEDDING {huzzah! it's about time}this weekend. levi leaves on tuesday to come back and take finals, and i am off to SANTA CRUZ {wahoo}on wednesday with the babe [first airplane flight, we'll see how that goes], where levi will meet up with me on friday. we're there until the next thursday and then we're off to CANADA until the 4th of july.

it's going to be crazy. i'm going to miss my bed. i hope i packed everything i need for the child. hopefully.

p.s. i think i should mention that i packed a small suitcase for this trip. my husband was impressed with me. as i was as well. little did i know that i would ever consolidate clothing to make it easier to haul. sheesh, i'm becoming a mom.

p.p.s. buy some headbands/clips from me so i'll have something to do while i'm at the beach/canada. details on fb =)

adios amigos.

1 comment:

  1. that sounds like such a crazy, but awesome trip!! hope you guys have a blast. i'm sure your little guy will be could he not be?! he is ADORABLE!


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