Friday, June 18, 2010


i don't have any pictures because i left the sd card thing at home, but instead of having a 1,000 year long post when we get home, i figured i could at least write what we've learned in the first 1/3 of our trip.

1. baby=vehemently hating car seats with a passion. about 4 hours into the drive we realized that this was gonna be a long one. he was ticked. and that's an understatement. and we thought the drive down was bad, well it got worse driving around phoenix. we're talking blue in the face, can't breathe, and we're silent for like 10 seconds because we're so mad screaming. it was fabulous.

2. f1 go carts make me a little nauseous. and apparently i'm super slow at them. not only did i lose to my husband and dad, i came in dead last out of everyone on the track. these go like 50 mph, but apparently the highest i got mine to was like 20 something... i suck.

3. i love weddings. nicoles wedding was fabulous. made me want to get married again-- to which my husband responded "it'll be to someone else then because i'm never doing that again". pffft.

4. phoenix is freaking hot. as much as i love how big it is and how theres so much to do, the heat just gets to me. i get sweaty just getting in the car and that grosses me out. levi did apply to two dental schools down there though, so i guess we'll see how that goes.

5. baby loves swimming. cracks me up to watch him and daddy floating around the pool. it's pretty cute actually. he makes all his crazy noises, and hates his little water hat but he's oh so cute when he's in there. he gets exhausted and conked out for several hours afterwards. also a plus.

6. baby is an attention magnet. my cousin used him to get girls to talk to him, in church he becomes the talk of the sacrament meeting, at weddings he is just dressed "so cute", friends say "oh i can't wait to see zak". who cares about the parents eh? we're so boring compared to him, not that i'm bitter, it's just funny to see how he is the talk of the town.

7. wards outside of utah=awesome. he was the only baby in the sacrament meeting and even his little ah ah ah ah ah was like super loud. this ward was like our singles wards when no one makes a peep. i forget sometimes that there are places outside of utah that are normal and no one lives right next door to each other.

8. i can't wait to get out of provo. i'm so tired of utah. phoenix made me remember i like big cities and happening things...

ohh babe is waking up now, but i'll post pics soon and update our fabulous beach time as well.


  1. sounds SUPER fun! And I'm with you. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE hot. I was just in Vegas and Palm Springs and I am done with hot for awhile haha


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