Wednesday, June 30, 2010


my favorite part of the trip is over... for some reason the beach just makes things so much better. i love the sound of the waves, the wind, the sand... siggh... i want to go back.

 buut things we've learned at the beach:
1. traveling by yourself with a baby is hard! props to all the single moms out there, i don't know how you do it.

2. baby loves the aquarium! for the time that he was awake {which was not a whole ton, sitting in the stroller tends to do that to him} he stared at those fishies and seals and sea otters like nobody's business. he was quite the happy man.

3. mom is very out of shape. we went bike riding around, and i about died. ugh, i need to work out more. as soon as i get home.

4. kite flying is hard business. not only can i NOT do it, i broke mine, by having it dive bomb into the sand.

5. once you pop with icecream, you can't stop. somehow, we ended up with thin mint, butterfinger, chocolate, heath bar and vanilla frozen yogurt in the freezer.

6. guacamole is delicious. end of story. {notice how the food tends to make a number of these}

7. baby LOVES mobiles. somehow from the time we left home, to when we got to the beach, he became interested in toys. which of course, we did not bring any to satisfy him because he never cared. oops.

8. mom is a fantabulous bargain shopper. the outlet malls proved very successful, with my two pairs of lucky jeans on sale and then another 40% off, totalling 95% off of $115.00 each, to $26.00 total. every time i think about it, i get excited.

9. someday in my dream house, my shower is going to have at least 4 nozzles, and be huge. and i'll have a jacuzzi tub. i spent many hours in the shower/tub this past week soaking in all i could of the fabulousness that i'll lack at home.

10. we're a pretty cute family, if i do say so myself. =}

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