Thursday, July 1, 2010


i have found a fabulous blog here that showed me how to edit photos this past week, and i am LOVING it! it's totally free, {well you can upgrade to do like touch ups and stuff, and my father in law was supposed to do it for tiffy's account but ended up doing it for mine hehe} am i the only one who's never used picnik before? seemed like it because my sister in laws knew exactly what to do lol but in any case.... it's pretty much fabulous!

{isn't the little man just so incredibly cute??}

i also found a blog here to do signatures at the end of my posts. man i am becoming incredibly awesome at blogging. =)


  1. haha,i just got introduced to picnik by sarah my friend who did her baby pictures with it. but i have yet to use it. it looks good!

  2. You sure are an amazing blogger ;) Love the signature!

    Your little man is growing up so quickly! He is SO handsome. Hope you had a great vacation with him, showing him off to everyone.

  3. He really is adorable. Wow. : )


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