Sunday, July 11, 2010


holy moly! can you believe the munchkin is 3 months old?? i can't. 

here is what baby loves now: 

--our ocean friends. mr. octopus is his favorite. these provide hours of entertainment. well several minutes worth anyways.
--oh no! baby has begun to watch tv when we watch it! even when changing diapers like in this picture. dang it... 

--looking ridiculous. smiling his silly smile at us. he has begun to stop and stare at the camera when i get it out, which leaves taking videos of his cool tricks somewhat difficult.

-- sitting up. he's much more content to sit someplace than to be lying down except in mom and dad's bed of course. we're getting better at holding our head up now which makes it a lot easier. 

happy birthday babbbyy =) muah!


Leave some lovin'