Tuesday, July 27, 2010


i've decided i have an addiction to shopping. when i go online and pick out shoes, i get a rush, like a literal rush of adrenaline, heart pumping faster, excitement... when i click the "complete your order" button, i feel a sense of exhilaration, like i am the best shopper ever.

yet it occurred to me today, that this is supposed to be our family blog. yet many of these posts are dedicated to my success shopping. i was a little embarrassed that this takes up an extensive amount of my blog, however most of the people reading this know my shoe fetish or have read about it at least, {and my husband never reads this so he could care less what i put on here} sooo if you don't care, move along down the blog reader then.

anyhow. i got some money to DSW{the best shoe store in the entire world btw} in the mail a couple weeks ago and spent many hours grazing through their website to find the perfect shoes, none of which called my name, so i saved it. until today, when i got a $10.00 off coupon for my birthday. score one for melissa. soo, i got $30.00 to spend. after several hours of debating between three pairs, of which my husband ultimately decided which ones i should get "those look like they're made out of rubber melissa" or "ehh they aren't my favorite" or "don't you already have a pair like that?" {to which i answered "definitely not, these are waay different"}, we narrowed it down to these  {in black} aren't they just fabulous?? i know  i know, i have great taste.

now, because my membership is used when the lowry's come into town and buy extensive amounts of shoes {huzzah tiffy and kassie} and when my mom comes into town, i am a premiere member of the DSW rewards club. ohhhh yeah. be jealous. basically that means i get next day shipping for free. so i'll get them tomorrow {that's worth $24.50 just so you know}. =)

all in all, i spent $10.62 on shoes that cost $69.00 + tax + $24.50 for shipping. success.

i wish they had a degree or a job for excellent bargain shopping. or finding good deals on clothes. or something along those lines. cuz i'm pretty much amazing at it. man, i still get excited thinking about those shoes. i have a problem.

1 comment:

  1. your link isn't working... boo... I really wanted to see your new shoes!


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