Sunday, November 7, 2010


after the adventures the last week, we came home to new carpet being installed! finally!! well actually, it was supposed to be installed on wednesday. but apparently lowe's "we will move everything except for electronics" {i specifically asked like 6 times what they would move} is actually "we move 3 pieces of furniture {not everything else} per room, and that's it". idiots.

so when it was supposed to be in on wednesday, we had to reschedule and do it thursday so that we could move all our stuffs downstairs. ugh. that was a hassle. who knew we had so much stuff?? i'm dreading moving.

 in case you can't tell, literally our whole downstairs is packed. the only thing we needed out was the pack n play so baby could take a nap. thank goodness it only took them 5 hours to finish it.

 i didn't get "before" pictures because i had to go to class, but the stairs had a huge paint stain on them. from someone.... ahem... hunny...

 these are what we did while we were trapped on the couch. with no internet. no tv. i don't know how we live. haha.
 and the cat decided while everything was chaotic, that she would be allowed to jump on the table and drink out of our cereal bowls that we didn't put in the dishwasher. lovely. 

ahhhh.... so much better!!
i cannot wait for our hardwood to be put in downstairs now. with the new carpet, the carpet downstairs looks soooo much more ghetto. it is going to be fabulous!


  1. Oh so exciting! New carpet is the best! I love your headboard.... did you make it yourself? I need to know how, our bedroom needs one of those! xx

  2. cute change on the blog i like it!!

  3. yay for new carpet! :) i love the pic of you eating zakary's face lol!


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