Wednesday, November 3, 2010


why does it feel like these last couple weeks have been interminably long??! because they have. but we are officially back from the first dental school interview! and it was a success in the man's opinion. minus a few little mishaps a long the way (namely forgetting the most important piece of clothing-- his suit!) it was a fabulous/short trip. we had a good time with my family for the couple days we saw them, and with nicoley woley during levi's interview. and the weather was still fabulous. 80 degrees and such. i will admit however, i did love coming back to this cool weather. we didn't get very many pictures of this trip, mainly because we really didn't do anything super exciting but here you go. 

 {baby loves swimming. this is actually the lukewarm "hot" tub because the pool was a little chilly but he loved it just the same.}
 {uncle josh}

 {cc loves baby. and baby was not so thrilled, but they're still pretty cute} 

 {this picture cracks me up. he loved the cupholders in the couch. we were trying to get him to crawl to the swedish fish, but he got sidetracked}

 {brodie, nicole and us. we didn't have costumes for their halloween party so we went as "rugrats". classy i know. basically we looked ready for bed. haha}
 {before the interview! in his mission companion's suit, which fit surprisingly well. notice the power tie, yes i did pick that out, and yes i have fabulous taste. and that's what going to get him in! (the interviewers commented and said how awesome it was)}
{mom's contraption in the car so she didn't have to hold the bottle the whole time. hehe}

baby did very, very well this time on the trip. thank goodness. no screaming, a little bit of whining, but because levi sat back there a lot so he could put his leg up, he was entertained quite frequently.

it's so awesome to think that we're almost going to know where we're living soon! surprisingly, levi really really liked midwestern. {it was my fav for a long time, but low on his list because it's so hot down there} and he came out with a really really good feeling about his interview, the school and living there, so we'll see how that goes. who knows, maybe they'll deny him and that'll ruin all our good feelings. but who could deny that good looking guy? =)

now if only we could find levi's laptop/books/ipod that went missing on the way home. that'd be lovely.


  1. i love the idea of the bottle on top of the wet wipes!! genius!

  2. Adam loved Midwestern!! He got asked for two more interviews but since he likes the idea of going to Arizona (or San Francisco but we're still waiting to hear back) that he decided to not go to the interviews. So we could both end up at Midwestern! How crazy would that be?!

  3. oh man! Your little guy is SO gosh darn cute!! When do you get to find out the news if Levi got in? Fingers and toes corssed for you guys! :)


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