Monday, April 25, 2011

buuuuuubbles- said finding nemo style.

i have a lot to write about this past week, i know. or, maybe i won't write about it and you can just stalk our graduation pictures on facebook and i can call it good for the blogging world. anyways, i was going through the camera this morning {did i mention i got a new camera for graduation due to the lowry fam? it's a fancy shmancy nikon. and it is AWESOME} and i just couldn't stop laughing at these pictures from last night.


 sorry my hand is in these, my brother apparently doesn't know how to take pictures without getting me in them. but my child's faces crack me up.

also, we had our child participate in an infant study at BYU today, and apparently he is cognitively advanced for his age. we trained him well. not that i would brag about that.... it's just genetic. haha, ok, i'm done talking about how smart our child is. i'm sure every other kid is just as smart as he is. i will put in the plug though, that he still has no desire to walk whatsoever, in case i sound like a ridiculous parent.

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