Wednesday, April 13, 2011

uno ano.

my child is one year old today. i love it. he looks like such a little man now. he's just so cute! i also love looking at these pictures and seeing how he changes. 

some of the fun things he does now: 

- crawling very very fast. 
- getting down off the couch without just throwing himself off
- eating the cat's food
- say "nana" for banana, and "momma" and "dadda" and "titty" for kitty
- playing with the cat. nicely.
- dancing when music comes on 
- yelling when we see food we want
- drinking out  the sippy like a big kid
- crawling up the stairs
- sitting forward in the carseat!! {mom's favorite}
- taking one nap a day
- pushing cars like they're supposed to be
- choosing to eat butternut squash soup instead of pasta or pizza.
- waving bye to anyone or when we leave him in his crib. cracks me up. 
- clapping when we do. 
- laughing when mom and dad laugh at something. 
- giving open mouthed kisses... on occasion... and only to mom. 

love you baby snakary. here's to 100 more years as your mommy.


  1. CUTE! He is such a little stud!

  2. I love this and especially your closing about being his mommy! He is going to loooove looking back on your blog when he is older!


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