Friday, April 15, 2011


we have a place to live!! it's not the 3 bedroom we really really wanted {no one's lease is up until waay after june}, so we took the next best option they had. we found this 2 bedroom loft, which i originally looked at and said "that is the most impractical living arrangement ever". and it really is. however, it has about 400 more sq feet than the other two bedrooms, and a "den/office" in between the first floor and the loft, so levi can put a desk there and call it a study place. we're pretty excited about it! it's also on the first floor of the complex, so that is freaking awesome. there are also only two lofts in the whole place, so we also feel kinda special lol it's not the most perfect place, as we will have a room with no walls {we have decided for the moment to give the beast the master bedroom because it has a door on it, and walls} so we will be sleeping in the loft, which has a giant walk in closet, so that's ok i guess.

here is the floor plan for all those thoroughly intrigued with our san francisco way of life:
sorry it's so small, it looks like that on the website too. 

and now for the best part... pictures! 
 the door! so exciting
 washer and dryer, also exciting, plus they will not be in our bathroom. hallelujah! 
 kitchen! with a pantry i might add. also a hallelujah! 
 living room
 view from above in the loft
 part of the "den/office" with a balcony i might add. 

 another view of the weird den/office/guest sleeping quarters for the moment. 
 our lovely bedroom. closet is in the dark doorway. 
the view off of our balcony. fantastic eh? 

the sales lady didn't take any pictures of the bathrooms or bedroom but that's ok, i would assume they're pretty standard. we will also have a coat closet, that is a plus as well. more storage! man, i feel like an adult when i look at these pictures, this is going to be our place in just over a month! ah! 

only downside is that we're paying rent starting next week, but because of that, we will just be moving earlier =) we're thinking the last week of may/first week of june now instead of closer to the end of june. should be pretty exciting. our life after graduation next week includes: week of freedom, graduation trip/present until may 7th, i go to phoenix by myself {no babe-- gasp!} for a few days of girl time, come home and then go to montana with the lowry fam for a week, and then-- we move! holy moly. it sounds a little crazy, and i'm sure i will be much more stressed out when it comes nearer. i absolutely despise packing/driving/unpacking/hauling crap everywhere etc etc.

but we no longer need to worry about living on the streets when we get there because no one moves out. and this loft is pretty dang fantastic in my opinion. it better be for the amount of rent we're paying!


  1. I love it!! It looks incredible! I'm so glad you guys have found a place. We are still looking, sadly... hope we have as much luck as you!

  2. This place looks awesome! And the view is amazing....good luck there!

  3. Girl!! I am thinking that this place looks amazing and that you will love life there! Cannot even wait to see pictures of your hair!

  4. congrats on finding a place to live!! if i read this guys are headed to san francisco??? that's awesome! we are planning a trip through there this'll have to give us the inside scoop on places to go that are baby friendly :)

  5. I am sooooooooooo excited for you to live in your posh loft in san francisco.. It's going to be like gossip girls, mormon style (and also excluded the drama)!


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