Monday, February 13, 2012


it's valentine's day tomorrow. oh man. our plans consist of me making a nicer dinner than usual. other than that, we have already done all that we plan on doing. 

the husband and i decided that we should go out on saturday to work best with his ridiculous schedule and our amazing babysitters. we haven't been out by ourselves in a while, so it was fabulous. 

we also decided that this valentine's we'd rather be cheaper and get presents unlike last year where we didn't do presents and went to chef's table and spent waaay too much money on delicious food. 

levi found a groupon for this thai place called another monkey downtown and it was delicious! i am not one for thai food especially while pregnant but it was good! 

they did a great job presenting it too. i would recommend it for sure. definitely an adult place though, no kids. 

 levi got seafood curry, which he loved. too exotic for me, but it did look cool. 

i got thai bbq pork, mango salad and sticky rice. also delicious. 

we then found a living social thing for 2 tickets to man on a ledge for $12.00 so we went to that after dinner, it was good! 

levi wants new basketball shoes for his present, {so romantic, i know} and i got part of my trip to utah and pearl earrings for my present. we also found a groupon for them {yeah, i pretty much stalk those apps on my phone}. $40 bucks for $175 earrings online. score for me. my first pair of real pearls. i am in love. 

do you know how hard it is to take a picture of your ear btw?? it's a challenge. 

also, i'm almost 19 weeks pregnant. woohoo. next week we find out the sex! i'm so excited! any thoughts on what it will be? levi's 100% positive it's a girl, so who knows. 

i honestly feel that it's taking me longer to look pregnant than it did last time. which is unfortunate, because i like the actual looking pregnant part and not the "burrito baby" part as one of my friends so lovingly calls it. 


  1. What fun! You guys are a couple of coolies. The food looks fantastic!

  2. so i don't think i ever read this post?!! who knows what im thinking!! but your food looked really cool and good!! can't wait to see ya'll!!

  3. So, as I was reading about the Thai food, I was thinking "WHAT? She's pregnant?!" And then you clarified that indeed you are. =D I'm so happy for you! Congrats on the makings of #2! I'm excited to find out what you're having and I hope it's a girl!


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