Wednesday, February 8, 2012


this past weekend, the man and i went to utah to visit our families and friends. it was fabulous. i have been craving utah food since being pregnant- which is weird, because that place is lame, let's be honest. but we had such a good time, and are sooo glad to be back home. 

words cannot describe how excited he was to be going on the airplane. we had been looking forward to this airplane ride for weeks now to see "KASSIEEEEE" and "OSSSSHHH", his two favorite people in the world besides mom and dad. 
 just checking his email before we take off. he's a big kid. man.... 

 i love when he gets to cuddle on me. it's a very rare occasion. 

you know what i love about utah?? wing nutz. it's freaking fabulous. if you haven't been there, go there now. 

funny story, we went to this piano bar saturday night, and kassie's dumb friends decided to bail/not answer their phones all day and evan's friends decided to not to come last minute, so it ended up being kassie & boyfriend, roommate & boyfriend, and melissa and best friend from efy, evan. as ridiculous as that story sounds, it's totally true. but it was a lot of fun. The music was good, the pianists were amazing, and the ice water was delish. Plus, it's always good to catch up with old old friends to & get out without the wee man. 

later on sunday, we went to see some of our bestest friends for a delicious dinner.  lucas and zak are bff's. and darci.... well she likes me, i promise. 

then we might have been locked out of kassie's house, because they are very efficient, so the car seat entertained us in the freezing. it's cold there. holy moly. 

utah was great. we saw old friends, brothers, sister's in law, and cousins. after being there, i realized i no longer have any desire to live there at all. after eating cafe rio, wing nutz, kneaders, red robin, mimi's cafe, and other amazing delicious places, i have gotten my fill of the cold, dreary land and am happy to be returning to the land of 70 degrees and sunny. 

and just because you think we're so cute. here are some pictures we took on the plane because we had to sit outside our gate for 25 minutes before we could de-board. 

someday the iPhone's front camera won't stink as much as it does now. 


  1. hooray for being done with utah! im glad you had fun and jealous you got to see everyone, and dang did you eat a lot of "utah" food!! nice work!

  2. hooray for being done with utah!! looks like you had fun, im jealous you got to see everyone! and dang did you eat a lot of "utah" food, nice work!


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