Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"tinkle tinkle dar"

i figured that I haven't posted about just the man in a while, so i should do it to remember his awesomeness in the future. so, some of his little quirks are: 

- he LOVES spicy food. he still digs mexican food, but when that is not available, it is hamburgers {with cheese, DO NOT forget it mom}, cheerios, carrot juice and smoothies. 
- speaking of hamburgers, he can tell you every fast food place that has hamburgers, including but not limited to: In n Out, Wendy's and Burger King. I swear we do not go there that often for him to know them, but he has a memory like I've never seen. 
- he never stops talking. ever. 
- he LOVES mickey mouse clubhouse and can name every single person on it. someday we'll go to disneyland so he can love it even more. 

- he loves nursery. if he could go every day, he totally would. 
- he just stopped crying when the vacuum comes on for the first time since he's been born. 
- he still wears size three shoes. well technically, his feet are so fat that he needs to wear size fives because they are wider. 
- he does amazing in a big kid bed. much much better than i thought he would do. more on that in another post. 

- he is very very friendly. any kid, person, dog, cat he will say hi to and want to play with. 
- he is an amazing listener. 95% of the time. it impresses me how he generally gets what i'm saying and does it. 
- he loves clothes. he knows exactly what he wants to wear in the morning, and what pj's he wants to put on at night time. they almost always match and have layers such as sweaters or jackets as well as accessories such as bow ties and shoes. it cracks me up. 
yes, we're inside and this is what he wanted to wear. 

- he loves fire trucks. and trains. and cars. and bikes. any time of transportation vehicle actually. he can tell you what they are, and what sound they make. 
- he can count to ten, but not when you ask him to. usually he is sitting in the back of the car just saying it, or walking around target counting socks. it's crazy. 
- he knows lots of colors, but has no idea what they actually are. his favorites are yellow and green so he just says everything is that color. 
- he loves to sing songs. it's so cute. 

he loves to sing twinkle twinkle. but usually skips half the song and makes up the rest. it makes me laugh everytime he does it. 
- any time he hurts himself, he brings himself to mom and says "kiss it" and then "all better" after i do. it's precious. 
- he also loves to cuddle. but only if he instigates it. he will walk up to you and say "cuddle cuddle". it's also precious. 
- he is an AMAZING sleeper. he usually goes to bed around 7:30 or 8:00, wakes up around 8:30 and takes a nap from about 1:00-3:30 or so. seriously. amazing. 

we got lucky with this toddler. he seriously is so easy. very very rarely does he throw tantrums, and usually it's because he doesn't want to come inside. the spouse and i have talked about how we're going to get attacked by our next child because zak did not prepare us for craziness. 

anytime i try to take a picture of him, the face in almost all of these pictures is what i get. it's hilarious. 

someday i'll use this to scrapbook for him about the cool things he does. someday, when i have motivation to scrapbook. 


  1. he is such a little cutie!! aren't little boys the best?? glad the transition went well into the toddler bed! max is still struggling a lot with nap time...but he's a champ at night.

  2. Holy Cow! Zak is one smart cookie. I am beyond impressed!

  3. Geez! That's awesome! I love how big he is! Too bad you live so far away. He and Henry would seriously be best buds otherwise. They have very similar nap similar things... ah! I love our babies!

    I'm praying that we won't get attacked by a hellion next either. I wouldn't know what to do!

    And congrats on another BOY!!!


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