Thursday, April 18, 2013


it's been on my bucket list to go to baker beach and take pictures on the beach by the bridge. it was originally supposed to be our family picture place. but then it ended up pouring buckets so that didn't work out. {don't worry if you see a christmas card from us next year in this spot. you know you'll like it anyways}

in any case, we had glorious weather today, so i decided to venture up with some friends to take pictures of the beasts in front of the bridge. unfortunately, i didn't get any naked people in them, so you'll have to look else where for those ;) {for those non-sf-cans, baker beach is famous for the nuddies running around} 

i absolutely love this photo. something about the way greysen is looking at him just makes me swoon. with complete awe and total admiration for something awesome his older brother is doing. this look is why we'll have more kids. even though they're all cray cray. and make me feel like that too sometimes. 

this kid. is such a hoot. although he was driving me totally nuts on the way home asking me the same question 900 times, he's just so totally adorable. how could you not love that face there? i fear for him as a teenager, because i'm pretty sure he's going to be just gorgeous. errr. handsome. 

sometimes i forget what an amazing place we live in. we sometimes get caught up with the fog, the cold, and the cost of living here and forget how beautiful it really is in san francisco. with the short amount of time we have left living here, every sunny day makes me feel like we should be exploring all that it has to offer. 

 i seriously just want to squish this all the time. even with the fistfuls of sand all over his mouth. he's just the best baby. like his mom and brother, he loves himself some warm sand and sunshine. 

so, my new goal is to explore a new place in SF once a week so that we can cross it all off our list and not regret anything when we leave. i'm thinking the legion of honor next week, since we passed it today on our way home and it looked awesome. 

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