Thursday, April 18, 2013

nine months.

it's been a while since i've done a baby post. probably because he still doesn't do anything awesome. haha. poor kid. getting neglected based on how he performs. 
in any case, bubba is 9 months today! i can't believe it! he's as old as i was pregnant. that's always so weird to think about. he is just the light in our life. so happy. so chill. so squishy. we love him so much. a few of his highlights are: 

he's begun to try and get things. like right now as i'm typing. he can almost go from sitting to on all fours, but his fat legs get in the way and he can't get one of them out from under him. it's kind of hilarious. but he reaches really far and does a pretty good job snatching things. 

he's started to scoot backwards. especially on our hardwood floors, it's quite hilarious. especially when he doesn't end up where he wants to go. i think he'll be close to moving sometime soon, since this is a giant step for the lazy child. 

he adores his brother. zak can get him to laugh, stop crying, jump, eat, basically anything. it's so funny. zak will also beat up anyone who tries to mess with him or steal his toys. he's very protective of greysen's things when we're out in public and someone comes close to them. which is cute and annoying at the same time. they're so cute together. 

he still has no teeth. we've been able to feel one coming for a long time, but alas. nothing. he's even slower than zak on that front, who got teeth at 8 months. 

he's obsessed with phones. i gave mine to him right now, so that i could type and not have the keyboard pounded on, and he's just yelling, holding it high in the air, and doing a victory bounce on the bed. like he beat me. which he totally did. little stinker. we all know that's what he really wanted in the first place. good thing he's cute. 

he can say "momma" and "dadda" quite well, although it's not usually directed to us. he did say "dadda" first, and levi was super stoked. haha. 

the man still loves his food. he would eat all day if we'd let him. however, he has started this new trend of liking what's on our plate better than what i put on his, even if it's the same thing. that's annoying. but he makes the cutest scrunched up face when he doesn't want to eat it, that it's ok.

he basically takes one nap with zak in the afternoon, unless we're home in the morning, and then he takes another one. and sleeps from 7-7. easy peasy lemon squeezy. 

i can't think of much else he does, as he's terrorizing my computer, i should probably stop neglecting him. love you babes! 

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