Sunday, June 2, 2013


fyi: these pictures have absolutely nothing to do with anything. i just figured a post with no pictures is boring. 

1. the day that i posted greysen's update he started to crawl. he loves it. and spends most of his free time trying to get someplace to stand up. he now can be found spending an hour before falling asleep standing up in his crib jumping and laughing. it's kind of cute. but mostly time consuming because we got things to do baby, an extra hour devoted to naps is not working for me. but he's just so excited....

2. levi and i joined a gym. i get up at 5:00 to go to spin class. all i can say, is that i better be extremely sexy soon burning those 700 calories. i need greysen to walk so i can pawn him off on the kids club at the gym so i can go while levi's gone. chop chop kid. 

3. zak has decided to take the longest time known to man to begin to eat his dinner. it typically ends with us threatening to put him in bed before he will take his first bite. it's the worst. 

4. both of our devil children have decided that waking up when the sun comes up is sweet. unfortunately, zak doesn't go back to sleep, and ends up whining and crying most of the morning because he's so tired. we have yet to recify this situation other than ignoring them/creating "special toy time" so that zak may or may not fall back asleep staying in his room playing with toys. i hate the sun. 

5. levi is leaving in two weeks and i don't know what i'm going to do with my children for a whole month all day err day. sad day. 

6. my new hair color makes me look albino. i need a tan. or a fake tan because i'll never get tan ever. 

7. i have no tv to watch now because it's summer time. it's kind of the worst. 

8.  zak says the funniest stuff now. i don't even know what to do with that kid. i need to do a blog post devoted to his zak-isms. i'll leave you with: "mom! that construction worker is riding a motorcycle!! who'd imagine that?!"

well. i just read through that and it was depressing. let me add some happy things.

9. i am re-doing our bedroom furniture and it makes me so happy to look at them. i did our two night stands and i have two dressers to do this week, and i am so excited. it's been neglected for the five years we've been married. time to pinterest this bad boy.

10. levi and i are planning our graduation trip sans kids for next march. i want to go to an island where you stay in a hut above the water. that is more reasonably priced than bora bora. any idea where?

11. i wish i could buy a million peonies and stick them in vases all over my house. i love them so so much.

12. i'm going to the ke$ha concert next week and i'm super stoked. we gonna get a little cray cray!

13. i'm also running a neon run this weekend, like the color run, except with at night with black lights and glow in the dark paints. should be sweeet!

ok, that sounds happier than it was. here's another zak-ism to end this post.
"mom, i want me and dad and greysen to go to red robin and you can go to a meeting all by yourself. i'll go eat hamburgers with dada. oh. and greysen. and not you"

i see how it is kid. dad gets all the "cool" cred. 

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