Thursday, October 22, 2009


here are my random thoughts for the day:

1. my cat likes sour patch kids. she eats them and licks all the sugary stuff off first. and we thought she was cool before.

I secretly want to marry this man. Yes, I am happy in my marriage. However his singing and dancing skills make me love him. In case you don't know, he stars in Glee, the best show in the whole world, you should watch it if you already don't.

3. Quote of the day: "Your belly's getting fatter, is your baby coming soon?" Thank you Eva, my favorite 5 year old. I just told her to wait a couple of months to watch it get even bigger.

4. I officially retired my BYU kindergarten career as of December since BYU is stupid and doesn't let you work on campus if you aren't a full time student. If anyone would like to take my spot in the afternoon, I can recommend you for the job. =)

5. I found an internship that I think I'm going to do. However, its in Draper which kinda sucks but it's a learning center based off of what the kindergarten is like but for 1st through 6th grade. It sounds cool.

6. I love 30 rock. If you don't watch the show, here are some of the best quotes of the last two seasons. they should make you want to watch it.

7. 27 days til we find out the sex of our kid.

8. 28 days til we go on our cruise! This will be me in approximately 4 weeks:


  1. NOT a fulltime student?? what's the deal with that?! p.s. what did you decide about your major

  2. I didn't know you were going on a cruise! Where??


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