Tuesday, October 6, 2009

uh oh.

So, the past couple nights I've been having this feeling that I should change my major. Seriously? After all of the hours I spent getting into my program, applying and doing all of the stuff that goes along with it, I have this desire to switch. Let me explain....

Next fall, I am supposed to be doing a "cohort" with a bunch of girls who are in my major. Basically we take all of our classes together, and then the last half of the semester, we are in the classroom with kids. Then in the winter semester, I will student teach for two different grades, Pre-k- kindergarten and 1st through 3rd. Having worked in the preschool and kindergarten now, I know that this is a 7:30-4:30 job all day every day. So, because of this, I've been having doubts on whether or not I want my child staying with someone else all day, and because Levi will be working and going to school that's how it would be. Now, the problem is that I have taken waaay too many parenting/socialization/brain development classes to be ok with this. I know that attachments are formed within the first year, and yes, even though I would have our kid for 4 months before I started all this crazy school business I don't want my kid calling someone else "mom" for their first word because I'm not there. I also know that their neural connections are being built this first year too and not that I don't love and trust other people, but I do know somewhat what I should be doing to help my kid. So, I am not comfortable with leaving them all day like a daycare kid.

Soo, I've been looking into a major that ties in with the classes I've been taking and found one that I have a lot completed: Marriage, Family and Human Development with an emphasis in early childhood. All of my classes this semester would go towards it because I had to withdraw from all of my ECE ones to make working work. So because of that, I'm in 3 SFL classes, which although I didn't think it was at the time, but maybe it's hinting to what I should do? I don't know...

These are my reasons to switch so far:
1. I can take 5 of the classes I need, independent study next semester so that I don't have to take any on campus and I will be able to finish them before our kid is born that way I still get credit for the semester.
2. I can graduate in December 2010, instead of April 2011. Along with that, I would only have to take 3 classes in the fall, which would be even better. Also, levi is thinking that he'll graduate then too and since he'll be finding out where he's going to dental school then, he could work fulltime whereever we decide to go, and take a break before life gets all crazy for him.
3. Obviously, I could be home with our baby more and not have to have someone watch them all the time.
4. Even though it isn't my perfect major, who says I'm going to work after I get my degree anyways? Is it worth giving my kid to someone else so that I can finish what I want to do?
5. I can always go back and get the teaching stuff for it later.

1. I love my major. Hands down. I love the kids I work with now and think it's a fabulous job.
2. I don't really know much I could do with the major when I would get it. It says you can work at daycares, or rehabilation centers etc. But do I want to do that? However, I have always though that I could have a little daycare thing at my house while Levi is in dental school to bring in some extra money.
3. I can't think of any right now, but I know there are some more.

I will add to this that my husband thinks it's a stupid reason to switch majors when there are clearly other options (though he hasn't given me any other options to choose from). However, I will not tell him that I think he has no idea what he is talking about since obviously he has not read the studies and been to all of the classes pertaining to this like I have.

Soo... any tips? Suggestions?


  1. I think you are amazing and whatever decision you make will be the right one. :) I wish I could go back and change my major. Just find something you love and go from there. You'll do great :)

  2. Okay... start this way.. what are your goals for life? Do you want to be a full time kindergarten teacher? Do you want to do a daycare? Why can't you do a daycare with the mfhd major? I think that's almost better quailified espeicailly if you have a minor in early childhood... Think about it. Pray about it. You'll make the right decision.

  3. I totally agree that was one of my biggest issues was having kids and working. I am doing FACS ED because you can teach and some schools have a preschool. Also you can work part time because you teach periods instead of a 2nd grade class or something. They are some of the similar classes but just not with little kids as much unless you ran the preschool at a high school. That is always an option!

  4. wow! I didn't know you were thinking of changing majors! I'm going to freakin' miss you! But I totally understand where you're coming from... I'd probably change too if I was having a baby.... You'll make the right decision though :) Keep prayin' about it!


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